Football season is upon us, whether we like it or not.
I ♥ Football! I love the smell of the leather. I love the air is getting cooler. I love the yells from both sides. I love the camaraderie that comes from men and ladies cheering on their fave teams. I ♥ football.
When I was in high school, I was on the drill team. Our drill team wasn’t about doing drills, it was more of a dance team. I went to 40 plus games in a 4 year stretch. I had NO clue what was happening on the field. (Honestly, our team probably only won 4 out of the 40 games.) It didn’t matter.
I loved it! I loved the sounds, the crowds, the people. Yes, I was a football fan.
I thought a little more about this football phenomena and came to this conclusion, if I knew a little more about the game, I might enjoy the actual game that is being played on the field. So, I learned some highlights, that might help, if someone asked me what actually what was the last play, not to mention earn some brownie points with my boys – thinking MOM knows everything!
(This was taken a few years ago at a homemade Super bowl Party. The numbers were their ages.)
Object of game: To win the most points by either kicking a field goal or making touchdowns.
Played on: A field.
Since I was on drill team, I knew about the playing field. We danced on it! It was green. It was long. It is actually 100 yards long. It is divided with the center line called the 50 yard line. (Those are the best seats, if you want to surprise your honey with some tickets.) At the end of the field, are 2 goal posts.
Every 5 yards their is a running stripe. (No this is really not math but you will have to know what yard everyone is on during plays.) At the end of each zone is called the end zone. You want your team in the other team’s end zone! The other team protects their end zone so you can’t score.
Who Plays: 3 teams on one
Okay, that sounds confusing. Let me clarify. Yes, their are only 2 teams playing against each other. However, each team has 3 teams on one. They have the DEFENSE, OFFENSE and SPECIAL TEAMS. Kind of like an egg, outer shell, egg white and yolk. Still the same egg just different parts.
OFFENSE job is that they have the ball. I remember this by OFFENSE starts with the “a” sound and ball has the “a” sound. Cute huh? Their job is to get the football to your end zone and score. The infamous skinny quarterback is on the offense team as well as the linemen (the protectors), the running back (the guy who catches the ball the quarterback throws), and the tight end (serves 2 jobs, being a receiver and a blocker). The OFFENSE protects its quarterback and the ball at all costs. (Kind of like a mom and her chicks. She will protect them from danger.)
DEFENSE JOB is that they don’t have the ball. They are trying to kill the offense team to get the ball. (Not really, but this is a rough sport and I wouldn’t want my baby out there.) By the way, the DEFENSE are the HUGE guys. They are to tackle and recover the ball at any costs. (Mama don’t let your babies grow up and be cowboys defense.)
SPECIAL TEAMS are used for kicking aka punting. (I don’t know why they have to use a fancy word like punt when they could have just said kick. Men, I’m sure. Unlike us ladies who never use more words than needed. I.E. blend, mix, fold in, whisk, turn over, and cream. Okay, maybe we are alike more than we think. lol.
Special teams may only come unto the field when the football is dead (not in play.) The kicker is usually a scrawny guy and not usually tackled but heavily protected. I WANT his job.
Okay for the game basics…
Each team will protect their end zone and try to score. Pretty easy right? Except they have to go through human bulldozers to do it and some simple rules.
Each team has to go 10 yards in 4 plays (downs) or the other team gets the ball. If they don’t do this in 3 tries – they have a choice, either bring out the SPECIAL Teams and punt or decide to make a run for it. If you get this – the rest just falls into place.
Oh, one more item of IMPORTANT info: line of scrimmage. It is imaginary but very REAL. The quarterback can’t cross it, if he crosses it then he has to RUN the play, he can no longer throw the ball past this line. Behind it he can toss the ball as many times as needed.
Some Plays: EXTRA brownie points!
Okay football players have to either run or pass. Pretty simple right? But, they are a little more tech than that.
Quarterback Sneak – This means he is being SNEAKY. He acts like he is going to do a play and then RUNS the play to gain some yardage. (Remember they have to gain at least 10 yards in 4 plays (downs).
Hand-off is where the quarterback acts like he is going to pass and instead hands the ball off to the running back, who runs the ball.
HAIL MARY – When all the eligible (a wide receiver , tight end or running back) can catch the ball. Basically, the QB throws the ball and hopes for the prayers of Mary.
When your hubby/boyfriend/son are not paying attention – you can throw one of these plays out and sound mighty impressive…
Flee Flicker – QB hands off to running back ..Running back takes few steps with ball… then pitches ball back to QB who then throws ball downfield.
Bootleg – No, they are not selling illegal alcohol on the field (that we know of). This is when football players start playing pretend. The QB pretends he is going to pass the ball to a Running Back – then he moves the other way to run or throw another pass. (My hubby tells me this is done in a shape of a boot thus the name.)
Starts Thursday, September 10th at 8:30 Eastern.
TENNESSEE TITANS (who used to be the HOUSTON OILERS) VS PITTSBURGH STEELERS on NBC. You could make it a neat party – just you and your hubby. {wink}
Okay – that was a lot of talk about one sport or at least writing. I hope this helps someone win a little favor with their man.
My man doesn’t really care for the sport but WE make it a family event, so it will be something our family will enjoy later TOGETHER. Yes, even my girls get involved. Usually it is girls team vs. boys team. The girls always pick the team with the prettiest helmet or jersey color. I’m sure every team loves to hear that!
On a much serious note, if you home-school or care a little more about math, fantasy football is a great way to learn some stats and cool record keeping.
If you have any other pointer feel free to leave some pointers or some neat facts!
Love YA’ BLUE!
Very cute post. I think, however, it is flea flicker not flee flicker. And really, all anyone needs to know about football is… THE University Of Alabama Crimson Tide.
Right! You are so right! (Blush!)
Football I miss you! Baseball is here and it is hot!
Great FB 101 lesson!
I’m pretty psyched about my COLTS playing again in the Superbowl this weekend!
I’m so sad….it’s the last game!
This was good info!
I thank my dad for taking me to U of H games and spending time talking me through the game.
This is such a fun post! My dad started me out on football young. In fact, the first number I was ever able to recognize was #16 (Joe Montana) when I was 2! Ha ha! As I grew, he taught me the fine points of the game, and I still absolutely love it. I think it is awesome that you posted all the details. I’m of the mind that every woman who has a football-loving husband should learn at least the basics of the game. Good stuff!
You are so much fun! Thank you for your prayers…I’ll never be able to express how much that means to us!
Great post, my entire family (chica’s included) love football. I sadly admit that I lose interest while watching a game, I don’t understand the game.
Thanks for the 101; my hubby promises to teach me every year, but he gets so into the game he says “hold on honey, I will explain the play to you in a minute”…and never does.
This is my year, the year I learn football and become a diehard…BEARS FAN!!
Sassy Chica
That has to be the cutest team I’ve ever seen! Thanks for the information, now I can not look so silly when watching the game… love your Mom.
I am TOTALLY impressed!!