My hubby is a precious hubby and an admirable daddy. I dare say if you ever met him – you might not see what I see. He does not flaunt his goals, his strengths or his wisdom yet has all three. He is not vain or proud! That is what I love about him! He will work quietly behind the scenes and only step out if he truly sees a need. God works through him in so many ways including being one of the most loving and kind Dads I have ever met.
Side note: My husband is in no way perfect. He is human and makes mistakes. I tend to paint a picture of this make-believe, too good to be true, husband on my blog. Although, I probably won’t blog about our fights “discussions”, we do have our moments but they will always turn to good or we will not go to bed at night. I just wanted to clear up that I’m not living in a fantasy world but we are for real.
So, when the man has asked for a waffle-maker for a present for many years now, don’t you think I would have done it? The answer is no! Why, you may ask? Because I’m selfish. I don’t want another appliance in my kitchen. I’m trying my best to purge and simplify.
But – I have noticed something this Father’s Day. My husband did not ask for anything particular this year. Well, he got a trailer to take on trips for my shopping excursions and all the luggage but that was a bargain to good to pass up. It really wasn’t intended to bless him for a Father’s Day gift. He really didn’t think or expect anything – yet we surprised him.
Last Wednesday, there was a sale going on. So, in the 177.9 degree weather, one mommy, 4 kids, and 1 child who needed a nap desperately, ventured out to the sale with a coupon in hand. Have I ever mentioned how I despise the HOT weather?
My hubby scored 3 beautiful shirts and one Cuisinart WMR-CA Round Classic Waffle Maker. Now we have a new Sunday night tradition, Waffles.
I’m not sure how long this will last but rest assured – he is a mean waffle making machine!
Blessings to you – You are loved!
With 5 kids and a willing husband, I bet you will get a lot of use out of the waffle maker. 🙂 I”m glad you caved and finally got it for him!!
That was sweet of you. The waffles look great!
Nice of you and the kids to get him the waffle maker and sweet of him to make them for his family!! He sounds like a really great guy, discussions and all, lol! Sue