Italiano’s in Humble, Texas
If you ever have a layover in Houston, at the Bush Intercontinental Airport – head North on 59 to Italiano’s Restaurant for some great food. This is NOT a sponsored post. I just love me some good food.
We found this little restaurant years ago. My taste buds would love to eat here every day.
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In fact, my hubby and I call it our “spot.” It is like we were having an affair together because we were alone. The kids were at Grandma’s house. I get giddy just thinking of the weekend.
Doesn’t this look scrumptious? I’m sure it had NO calories.
I had the chicken Parmesan with a side of spaghetti. Ohhh….my mouth waters just thinking of the cheese and sauce together. Okay, not the best place if you are on a carb-free diet. But, everyone can cheat once in a while, right?
Thankful for the Trim Healthy Mama
way of thinking.
We spoke to the owner and told him how far we had traveled, so he treated us to free dessert with coffee.
Oh my! Oh my! Shut my mouth! YUMMY!
Blessings to each of you! You are loved!!!
You were about 2 seconds from me!
That is a good place to eat. They have several more locations…run by different family members…all with different restaurant names.
Glad you guys had a nice trip!