I’ve been wanting to share some tips that I have learned along the way. Some of these, I have learned the hard way by researching and some I have learned by asking around.
I’m no way an expert and this site or myself is not responsible for any errors or glitches that may happen along the way.
These are in no particular order…
- Write something interesting. I can hear my teenage voice coming out… “Duh?” Okay, sometimes I find myself reading other blogs and wondering what is drawing me to that particular post – it is because it calls me.
- Tell the blogger that they encourage you! Really, nothing inspires better writing than a little cheerleader leaving a comment once in a while!
- Have someone proofread your blog! My hubby is awesome in the English language, I’m not. I speak with a Texan accent and stink at realizing where commas go and make up words constantly. Thus – LANAguage. With that said, my blog is not perfect in the grammatical aspect and my hubs doesn’t have time to check my posts before they go out. But, if he does find errors – I quickly change them.
- Don’t forget about your family! It is easy to get caught up in bloggy-world and forget about dinner. (My hubby is saying Amen!) I’m doing my best to have a balance. I used to do all my blogging on Sunday night and just read blogs during the week.
- Have fun with it! Don’t be discouraged if no one visits – just keep writing, if you feel led. You never know when your posts might encourage someone.
- Focus on why you are blogging! Mine is for my children, while encouraging others along the way! Writing your purpose might encourage you if you get in a slump.
- Learn some HTML. Ah yes, the ultimate challenge. If you learn just a little – you will have so much power over what your blog will look like. Plus, look at other blogs and don’t be afraid to ask other questions. The worse they could say is “No – I’ll charge you for that!” – Then you say, “Ugh, no thanks! or Yes, I am willing to pay for that without having a headache please.”
Feel free to like on Pinterest so others might learn something.
Hope this helps someone!!! You are more than welcome to follow me or leave me a comment saying you read this!
Blessings to you!!! You are loved!!!
This Works for Me!
Great tips ~ and you inspired me to leave you a comment! You are right, comments are helpful! 🙂
Keep up the great work! 🙂
Sweet blessings~
These are some great tips. As a new(ish) blogger I am always grateful to learn some blogging advice. And I’m with you on the comments. I think more than anything it is nice to know that at least someone gets you.
Visiting from WFMW!
Great tips! I’ve been blogging for several years and I can always do better. 😀
I think #4 is so true! They all are…but especially number 4!
I’m on my way to vote 🙂
Super tips. I’ve been blogging for a couple of years but vowed in 2010 I would expand my talents & your tips will help with that.
Great tips!
Great tips!
Miss you Lana- and who know we may just end up back in the Lone Star State:) by the way did you sign up for the Skin Md giveaway? I know you had blogged about skin issues, this stuff works really well~
Hi, Lana. Good list of blog tips. Thanks.
I enjoy your reading and enjoyed this post. I love your tips!
I recently realized that people using blogger could customize their header. So, I asked around and got quite a few helpful replies. Now, I have a customized header! (Which I’ve been meaning to post a “how to” about…) 🙂 I find other bloggers to be very helpful!
Love you blog, love your family, love you!
Yes, it’s Mom again.
You inspire me :). Hugs from KY Kelli
excuse me …… can i ask you something , is’t true when a blog user or internet user view your blog , you wil get pay …..???
Great tips and much appreciated! You are awesome to think to do this! Love your sweet blog!
I do love your tips!! I find myself re-reading my posts (even after a million spellchecks) and still finding errors. I’m so OCD that I have to go in and fix it pronto. And if I ever forget why I write, then I may as well just lay down and die because that means I’ve given up oxygen. Kudos to your hubs for proofreading…some hubs won’t even read the finished product. ;D
Totally agree! Sometimes I write a great post and I just get a few comments, I think Bummer. But you just have to market your blog.
Tell people you have a great post and they will come…;)
and don’t forget your family, thats important.
Good list! 🙂
Great tips! Bloggers really do appreciate comments.
Thank you for these great tips! I’ve only been reading blogs and blogging since July and dove right in! You guide was greatly appreciated 🙂
You have some really wonderful tips here! I agree with you.
I really enjoy your blog. I’m a friend and follower!
~Blessings, ~Melissa 🙂