I have a Twitter account. I’m still new to the Twitter World. I get on and update what is happening in my life, at that certain moment. I follow people who Tweet and encourage me.
Tonight I happened upon a Twitter Party, #getasponsor. I found it from one of my FAVE companies, Tommy Nelson’s tweet.
They were having a party about getting blog sponsors and an upcoming conference.

Right away, I won a book! Have I mentioned how much I love Tommy Nelson??? They edify and encourage my children and my family to grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Again, blogging and twittering is still so new to me and quite honestly, I have so much to learn.
They were giving a free ticket to this conference…Relevant 2010.

This conference will be in Harrisburg, PA. Can I just say Hershey??? They are speaking my love language!
I went to their website, and fell in love with the conference and the speakers. It is something right down my alley and I feel like a Kindred Spirit!
I enjoy blogging about my kids, our adventures, and my learning trials as a mom and a Christian. This would definitely be a encouraging trip to take and is on my wish list!
Moral of the story: Twitter Parties can be a WEALTH of information!
Blessings to you!!! You are loved!!!
Didn’t know you were on Twitter! I just recently signed up myself. I’m your newest follower! 🙂
I’m hoping to go too. Last night’s chat was fun–though a little challenging at times trying to keep up. 🙂 Thankfully they have transcripts 🙂
I love twitter (following you now!) Between email, facebook, and twitter (oh yea being able to blog from my phone!) My phone is surigically attached to my hand!!
I tried twittering but unless you have it hooked to your phone which is hooked to your hip you miss everything. And I missed everything. LOL! But I’d love to have an internet phone some day. And then I’ll probably twitter again.