God’s Word has been the focus of my life lately in a very indirect way.
At the beginning of the year, I started the Bible in 90 days. I did great at first, then we took a trip. Needless to say, when you need to read about 12 pages a day and your routine gets messed up – it is hard to catch up.
Then Life happened. Business, chores, money, no money, friendships, raising kids, laundry, being a wife, being a mom, being a daughter, menu planning, cooking, being a teacher, being a curricula director, being the duster of the house, personal shopper, birthdays – it all just happened. Some where in the midst, I decided I didn’t “need” the Word of God. I would receive an email once a day with a scripture and they were encouraging but I couldn’t open the my Bible without getting frustrated.
I was feeling that the Bible wasn’t for a person like me, a busy Mom who had a life. (I’ve been a Christian for 26 years so I’ve been a lover of God’s Word, for a very long time.) I had been taught if you didn’t have a “morning quiet time” then you were basically going to Hell. Okay, not that severe but that was what was being said in the back of my mind. Talk about condemnation, in its finest form. (Condemnation is NOT from God – just making that clear!)
For a time now, God started to do something to my heart. He’s been pricking it and tearing away some ugly layers. Yeah, it hasn’t been a pretty sight.
Seriously, it has been a tiring and rough road. Probably if you saw me in store – you would have never known what has been going on in my life. I look normal – this has been an inward battle. Not a fight with flesh and blood.
When my UPS gently knocked on my door yesterday, I had no idea what was in the package.
I opened it up and here it was – A Busy Mom’s Bible. Can I just say…God you are Wonderful?!? Immediately, I tore into that sucker and started to read. It felt so good! It felt like a washing – a clean good washing. It felt alive and pure!
The first page I turned to was about Relationships. It was broken down in 1 minute, 5 minute, and 10 minute increments. It also had a word to take with you…Restore.
Then one minute gave you a scripture to dwell on. Then it asks questions to provoke your thinking.
The 5 minutes – gave you a time to Reflect and Pray. Then some more thought provoking questions
The 10 minutes was STUDY time. It gave you more scriptures to turn to and study.
Honestly, I believe this Bible has been a gift from God to me. But, all of His Word is a gift to everyone, right?
Oh, this Bible is thin and easy to tote, not to mention pretty. It would be easy to put in a diaper bag or sit and read in the carpool lane. As a busy mom, sometimes these are the best times to sit and think – when the kids are strapped in and the car is in park. (I wouldn’t suggest to read and drive – now putting on lipstick and driving that is easy.)
Honestly, I feel and felt refreshed and encouraged. Plus, it gave me something to study without the guilt of “what if I don’t know the answers” or don’t have time to dig out the Strong’s Concordance.
I know my days of “busy Mom” are short and eventually I will have time to study the Hebrew and Greek meanings of the word love but right now – I just want God to speak to my heart. I just want to feel His love by His Word. I love what happens when reading and meditating on it.
Thank you Zondervan for sending me this copy to review. I love it and was not compensated in any earthly form by taking my time to read it or post a “good” review.
If you would like more info about Busy Mom’s Bible – see their site. It for Moms whose hearts are more open than their schedules.
Blessings to You!!! You are so LOVED!!!
(By the way – He never stops loving us – no matter what!)
I’m going to have to get this Bible! thanks!
I am going to have to check this out!! Thanks!!
Isn’t it so true that some of our best quiet times are in the carpool line? Or in the shower? With so many distractions in our day, these are surprisingly fruitful times. And thanks for the recommendation on the Bible. I’ll definitely check it out!
I so understand! I also understand the need and the privelege our generation has to be able to read the Bible in freedom and ability.
However, I often wonder about the people over 70+ years ago who might not have been able to read. Did the peasant from the middle ages not love and seek God as much as we do? Sadly, because of the lack of availability of books or ability to read, many never had the opportunity to possibily know what a loving God we have.
While I struggle with time management for bible time, I feel so totally blessed to have His word so readily available so I can know the one true God.
Great review, my friend! I loved your honesty in this post. Blessings to you!