What a weekend…it was a whirlwind and hasn’t stopped yet. (More on that on a later post. Can’t wait to update some pictures on the remodel!
6 years ago, this past Sunday – I left the hospital without a baby in my arms. I was heartbroken. Each one of my pregnancies have been very high risk. I always have to go on bed rest and check in the hospital early. This pregnancy was no exception.
In fact, it got worse.In labor, my blood pressure bottomed out. I remember the BIG anesthesiologist coming in from monitoring the monitors in the hallway and yell something – then he picked up my HUGE pregnant body and threw me on my side.
At that point, I couldn’t quit laughing. {I think I start to laugh when I have no control over a situation or it could have been the meds.}
The doctor came in and said “I’m ready to deliver.” At some point, in the chaos, my hubs had just returned from the cafeteria from getting a cup of coffee – he was oblivious to what was happening – which made me laugh harder.
This was the only time in all my pregnancies did I have to push more than 2 times. The first time, she said I would have to quit laughing. The second time, she called me “Lonna” – I told her quite frankly – “MY NAME IS LANA!” (like banana). Then my Mom and hubs started laughing.
My baby Princess was born a month early.They took her away quickly.They brought her back to me an hour or so later.She was so tiny and beautiful. Then she made a noise.
It was like a hiccup but not one. My Mom made a face – you know that Mother’s kind of face, when you know something is not right.
The nurse took the baby back.
The doctor came in.“Her lungs are not developed.”
Since she was a preemie and the hospital was not prepared for a special needs baby- her first car ride was to another hospital in an ambulance.
My heart was crushed but we had hope.My other children went home with my parents. My hubs went to Mexico with a youth mission trip.(We led mission groups back then into Mexico and had a group come in from Florida. It had been planned that I was supposed to be going too – before the surprise delivery.)
I went to the new hospital and stayed with our baby.The mission group finally came to an end and my hubs went back to work.
I still spent most of my time at the hospital.
She was in NICU for what seemed to be eternity, but was actually just a couple of weeks.She grew so fast and turned out to be so healthy!God was so good to us during that time. Truly He gave us strength, when we had absolutely had NONE!When the team of doctors finally released her, I wasn’t sure what to do with her because she was so small. I remember just staring at her in her car seat wondering why God decided to bless us with another Princess, we could never have done anything good enough to deserve such a blessing!Yet, He did. And we are so grateful.Our baby Princess is now 6 and is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outward.She has a belly laugh that is so contagious. She is constantly keeping us in tears – from laughing so hard.
Right now, she plans to be an artist and an eye doctor.
It will be interesting to “see” what God has in store for her life.
Happy Birthday Princess! You are so special and the Lord truly has a precious plan just for you!He makes no mistakes – I love knowing that no one is an accident to Him!
You were created on purpose for a purpose!Blessings to you!!! You are loved!!!
Very beautiful…. and yes, you are correct…. God NEVER makes mistakes…. I have a 32 year old severely handicapped daughter that is a testimony to that. What man may see as a something “different” and “abnormal”, God uses to show His great love and mercy. She is such a joy…. and 33 years ago, I went home from the hospital… empty handed… Jesus was the first face that my baby boy, Matthew saw… but we will be united someday.. he is already accompanied by his grandmother and grandfather… In Christ, we have Hope!
Oh wow! I love to see His work!
aww what a sweet princess she is. I have a preemie too.
Happy Birthday to that beautiful girl! She is such a cute girl.
What a beautiful testimony for her life! Why is we see God’s miracles more in the birth of our children than anywhere else? Is it because it is such a life-stopping situation that we throw ourselves into God’s arms fully and completely?
I love happy endings, don’t you? Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!
Oh Lana, what a story! Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday to that beautiful girl!
What a great story! I love this – happy birthday to your wonderful girl!
God is so good! Happy birthday to your beautiful princess!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BABY GIRL! You bring us all much joy! Grandma and PawPaw adore and love you! So glad we got to be a part of your birthday earlier and celebrate with you. You are the apple of my eye! I know you already knew that :).