So, I was in my hub’s Facebook account the other day because I was looking to see what my account looked liked to others. I noticed this list…I thought to myself, I don’t remember writing these things and they don’t show up on my account.
Thought to self: Very….Interesting.
I thought this might be good to add on my “About Me Page” and who knows you might learn something…if not just discard and pretend you never saw this. (SMILE!)
- I LOVE that my hubby brings me a cup of hot java every morning to wake me up – he is an early riser – I’m not.
- I love humility in people. Pride stinketh!
- My hubby and I did not kiss until our wedding day.
- We have 5 children – all of them are sooo very different and precious. They are all ours…we haven’t adopted or stole them. Although we tell the eldest sometimes he is an alien from outer space. Yes, we believe in a sense of humor! My hubs ALWAYS goes back and tells them we were joking – I don’t.
- I educate them at home instead of using the public school system. My reason for doing this changes daily.
- I use to be a horse judge and even won a belt buckle for it. My siblings are laughing at this one. Thus the next point…
- I don’t like to be dirty thus I claim to be a city girl.
- I know my way around Houston very well. Thanks to my Dad.
- I have 2 metal plates in my head and have had braces 3 times.
- At airports, I always make the stupid metal detector go off.
- I make any horse rear up. I’ve always considered it a gift.
- I have been to the Swiss Alps, Rockies, Andes, Smokies and some other mountain ranges and still have not seen snow on any of them. Thus, I find it hard to believe it really exists.
- I love to travel and have been to many countries.
- I love to read Christian fiction. (Is that an oxymoron?) I will probably be found dead one day with a book in my hand.
- I love to blog, it’s my outlet;
- I always wanted a sister and didn’t get one until the 8th grade. I talk to her every other day or so.
- I have a real brother, half-brother, and step-brother. It gets confusing.
- I love using a machete to clear brush. I started early thanks to my Grandpa. I miss my Grandpa! I was his first-born Grandchild thus making our relationship very special. See number 7 again. Another oxymoron.
- I have chased a glow in the sky for miles (and hours to my hub’s dismay) to see what is burning. Usually a fire-stack. I love an adventure!
- I have had 12 Grandmas (living) in my lifetime (only 4 are still living) not including my hubby’s.
- I have seen many c-sections when I use to work at a hospital. Thus, I didn’t want children – I’m so glad the Lord changed my mind. I love epidurals-they are my friend in labor!
- I love symbolism! I love how the Bible uses it and now I use it in my home. Everything has a meaning including paint colors.
- I love fleur-di-lis,toile and wish they made a Big Wheel adult size.
- I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE spa-pedicures.
- I love my Lord Jesus and what He does for me on a daily basis.
I know you are impressed, HA! More likely you want to run and push escape to get away from this blog as fast as you can…
If you are still here, wow, you must have been bored! Oops…we don’t say that word in my house!
Now let me know about you!
Tell me something about you – anything! I’m listening!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Stopping by from the Hop. LOVE your blog and am your newest follower.
Hope you’ll drop by tomorrow..I host a link: Mustard Seed Planting…to encourage Moms to memorize scripture.
Rebecca at
i love being your mom! You have made me cry and laugh even more! I love epidurals also when you are in labor, we all do! I still chase fires, it’s an addiction. Snow on the mountains… nothing compared to snow where it usually does not snow!!!!! I love having you as one of my adventurous daughters! I love the memories of trying on clothes and being stuck in them -laughing till we hurt. I love the horse rides, what a trip! Or just watching you back up a car… crash! It’s a tree!
I love that you are not scared to be different. You are different you know. That’s what makes you special. In a Bob the tomato kinda way. Love you!
I love God with every fiber of my being and I love worshiping.
I love my three very different girls , who most definitely add depth to my life.
I love to read although I don’t get to do much of it. I love the , drama-mystery-love genre and I like Christian fiction too.
I am a wedding planner and I absolutely love my job.
I love to be optimistic.
I like consistency in people.I love being consistent in my life, so just in case I start to loose my marbles I don’t have to worry about keeping my different faces straight
I detest lying, oh and I talk alot hence this long comment
How fun! Random information. Mine seems so uninteresting, but yours is fascinating. Whys is that? I can’t think of a single thing about myself that you would want to know. 🙂 Lisa~
Ok first I love the list.. I do the same thing with fires but that is cause hubby was a volunteer firefighter for 15 years lol
I love dragons and I shave my arms. 🙂