A long time ago, my Mom and I went shopping with my girls. My hubs who was at my Mom’s house called and said he had a little tummy ache. She told him where she kept her essential oils and to grab the peppermint oil and pour a drop of it on his stomach. Almost instantly he said his tummy ache went away.
I thought to myself “Whatever!”
So maybe a year or two later at like 2:00 in the morning – I had an extreme upset stomach – my hubs said “Where’s the peppermint oil? Try it – It won’t hurt!” This time…I was like – “okay, I try anything to get to sleep!” So, I put two drops on my belly.
Well…it worked almost instantly! I couldn’t believe it!
Our last long car trip, my son got nauseous. We didn’t have our oils so we just gave him a peppermint from Sonic…it relieved it.
Then I started remembering how many times I’ve read in Amish books – how they drink peppermint tea. This idea has been around for years!
I’ve also read how just a drop of oil relieves a muscle ache or gives a boost of energy. (This hasn’t really worked for me as much but it might for others!)
I use Young Living Oils. I’ve smelled other brands and compared to Young Living they smell rancid. They are not cheap but a drop goes a LONG way!
Where there is no counsel, the people fall;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)
Let me just say, I am a distributer for Young Living but I only buy for my family – I am not sharing this information to make any profit. However, if you would like to buy or be directed to someone who sales – just email me and I can get you their information. Again, I’m just learning and am not doing this to make any money (at least not right now in my life).
Disclaimer: Let me just say, this is my testimony…not medical advice of any sort! This is what has worked for my family – so use at your own risk and research anything anyone ever tells you.
Wow this would have been handy info for when was preggers. I felt ill all the time back then!
I will definitely get some and give it a whirl next time somebody in our house gets a tummy ache.
I started using a mixture of essential oils designed for sinus problems and it is great!
Stop by and visit sometime over at Free 2 Be Frugal.
I love peppermint oil and use it al to for cleaning…didn’t know about this nifty trick.
I use essential oils for a ton of things, even for cleaning. I have never used Young Living–I have heard about them, though. Honestly, there is no way I could afford the cost. So, for now I use Acacia brand, I believe.
Peppermint tea and mints work for me too.
I’ve been using YLO for a couple of years. I have the advantage of two friends that are REALLY into them, so they just let me know if there’s an oil I need. But peppermint is definitely my favorite. We have always keeps a bag of peppermint candies in the car for long trips. It really helps! Lisa~
ive heard there are great oils for bath and such…. i do so love peppermint tea when im cramping!!
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Come see me at my personal blog, too, soon!
And that is why I am looking into home based business that deals with getting the body into healthy ranges as it is supposed to be so it can heal itself. I start the product this week I will let ya know how it works. Cause if it does all it has been known to do you will see me everywhere touting it.