If you didn’t know, we have backyard chickens.
We have learned a great deal about chickens.
They each have their own little personality.

This little bantam (Chicken Little) likes to crow like a rooster. I think she is just confused.
(Lana likes to live in denial.)
(Lana likes to live in denial.)

This other little bantam (Laurel) also likes to pretend she is a rooster, by crowing.
(Denial is a beautiful thing.)
We caught a opossum in our coop the other night. It is amazing how this thing even got in the very very small hole.
Our dog actually found it. Kudos to Brighton!

We think it may have killed our beloved “Paula Deen.” This picture was taken a month ago. She was huge!
The kids are going to be sad.

We are still trying to figure out this one…the kids named her Rojo, Red in Spanish.
She is just not friendly. But, she has no spurs and doesn’t crow.
Time will tell!
Now that has been our monthly Chicken Report!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Don’t forget to enter in both our giveaways that are ending soon!