This is one of those books that I didn’t want to end. It tells the story of Martha, the sister of Lazarus, in the Bible.
I don’t usually like to read fiction that is based on non-fiction, it tends to confuse me. But, the writer truly does a wonderful job of explaining the story according to the Bible and I didn’t get my facts messed up. I grew a greater understanding of Martha and fell more in love with Jesus.
I also had to go back to the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and re-read the chapter about the resurrection and Crucifixion of Jesus. She points out some facts that I had read before but had forgotten. Truly, it was perfect timing for me.
Again, I loved this book!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Note: I was sent complimentary copy for review purposes only. This review has not been monetarily compensated. The review was my honest opinion and views and not influenced by the sponsor in any way.