Do you ever want to just laugh out loud because you are so happy?
I am rejoicing over something that has been answered prayer.
Not only did the Lord answer it – He answered in a way that was His way.
It was like asking for a plane ride and getting to ride the space shuttle kind of answer.
He is so good!
Even if He didn’t answer in this way,
He still would have been Awesome, Majestic, Powerful, Holy, Timeless, Good, Perfect in every way….
He still would have been Awesome, Majestic, Powerful, Holy, Timeless, Good, Perfect in every way….
Oh friend, I hope you will be encouraged today!
He loves you more than anything!
He desires you to be His child.
The Creator of the Heavens and Earth desires you (and me!)
Oh my – that makes me want to cry and laugh and then cry again while I’m laughing.
Ever have those kind of moments???
(No, I’m not pregnant.)
Just overwhelmed with God’s goodness and Grace and Love!
I know some people are experiencing hard times.
I’m praying for you today!
Sometimes it is hard to see the forest through the trees, but be encouraged,
Our Lord, is not only watching and listening, He is holding you and is nearer than the air you are breathing.
Our Lord, is not only watching and listening, He is holding you and is nearer than the air you are breathing.
My kids and I love this song by Chris Tomlin, Our God Is Greater.
It seems to wrap up my feelings this morning!
Blessings to you! You are so loved!