We just got back from going to a home-school conference in The Woodlands and stopped at Buc-ee’s.
Guess who we ran into???

Pictured left to right: I ♥ these ladies!!! Aren’t they beautiful?
Shelly from “Is That You, Lord?“, Falon – my precious sister in law, Me, and Dawnie-girl
Shelly from “Is That You, Lord?“, Falon – my precious sister in law, Me, and Dawnie-girl
Isn’t God good?
We probably won’t see them again until next Spring or Summer so this was such a blessing!!!!
My brother and one of my nephews were also there. I just love them to pieces! Sometimes it is so hard to live so far from family.
But, God has a purpose for everything! He knows the whole picture and I put ALL my trust in Him. To Him be the Glory!
Sometimes a pit stop can turn out to be the biggest blessing!
If you haven’t been to Buc-ee’s – then you are missing out.
I wish ALL gas stations were this cool! It has the CLEANEST, most private bathrooms…evah! A Mom’s dream come true.
Then it also has BBQ pits, purses, shirts, a deli and even artwork. Yeah, it is so cool! My hubby and kids love it too!
Every-time we are in the area we try to stop, plus the gas is cheaper there.
A motto that I just love…
Blessed to be a blessing!
Have you been BLESSED this week???
Blessings to you! You are loved!