It is raining in Texas! Please don’t stop!
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It is no secret that we live in Texas. It may be a secret that we are in exceptional drought. This is two levels higher than extreme drought according to the US Drought Monitor.
Even our dog, Brighton enjoyed getting a little wet – she may have forgotten what water from the sky was. Oh, how we love rain.
So when it rains – we rejoice! Although, this is not supposed to last – we could use some prayers for more rain.
Our local weatherman mentioned on twitter the other day, it would take a slow moving Tropical Storm to get us out of this dry spell. I might need to stock up on some crackers, cheese and canned goods. (And chocolate!)
Today is day of rejoicing. It is raining. I love the smell of rain. So refreshing.
The Lord never forsakes His beloved even in times of drought.
Does this not look like the perfect Sunday nap day to you?
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Nite – Nite!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Looks much like our Sunday. As soon as we finish eating lunch, Samoo and I are going to rest for a bit. 🙂
Enjoy your rest. I just realized we forgot lunch and no one has complained. Playing in the rain!