My kids take their crafts very serious. I mean they will use bananas to hold down their artwork and dare anyone to have a snack. He made the Golden Gate Bridge. Not bad for never seeing the bridge. Now this artist – she is our patient artist. She played with the design-over and over again. […]
Homemade Egyptian School Projects–The Mummy
Homemade Egyptian School Projects–The Mummy My kids loved learning about mummies. (Me – not so much.) They loved to share with anyone who would listen how the priests got the brain out of the head. Let me just say, be careful when you blow your nose. Ugh. I don’t like the thought of any of […]
Once upon a time…there was a real fairy tale.
There is no other book that makes me appreciate my life more than the Word of God. It is a Real Life Fairy Tale. In my home school curriculum – it suggests that I teach my students to memorize the books of the Bible. I don’t know about you but sometimes I ponder “Why do […]
Homemade Egyptian School Projects: A Pyramid
Homemade Egyptian School Projects: A Pyramid All of my children have been working on some type of Egyptian Projects for school with their Dad. (He loves helping his children and his wife.) Yesterday, I shared how we are studying Ancient Egypt and showed the Sphinx. I had no idea what they chose for their project […]
Homemade Egyptian School Projects –The Sphinx
Shameless Plug: I’m posting at The Homeschool Post today – “What Home School is REALLY like.” Please go visit and leave a comment. We have been doing an Egyptian Study for weeks. Each child had a project to do without me (the teacher) but they could use their Dad’s help. (Don’t you love how I […]