To see part one, go to Helpers and Hints with the 3 R’s + more ~Part 1~ These helpers or hints have helped me tremendously. I just love cute little sayings that help me remember English, Spelling and Arithmetic rules. Please feel free to respond if you have others {PLEASE RESPOND, I need extra helpers}. […]
Homeschool Hints for Teachers Part 1
I always could use extra help in homeschooling. Most of the time, I feel like I am re-learning everything. I teach three different grade levels and it has been a while, since I have been in those grades. So, I am putting to practice, do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. […]
I feel like dancing…my fiesta time.
When all five children are in their respected rooms “resting” – I could break out in dance and sometimes do. The older ones are required to stay in their rooms and either read or play quietly (if they get loud, they have to clean their room or take a nap themselves). They younger ones usually […]
Bird Seed Craft for Kids
Bird Seed Craft for Kids I’ve been wanting to do more crafts with my children. Last week in school, we made our own bird cakes. Bird Seed, flour and water is all you need. I mixed the flour (maybe 1/2 cup of flour and a 1/4 cup of water) into a paste. Added a cup […]
Gone fishing…2008
In August, our city hosted a kid’s fishing tournament. This is an educational way to be able to teach young children the fundamentals of fishing and a way for moms and dads to get a suntan. I learned a couple of things, I hate the way the bait smells and there is no fish in […]