My real life friend, Stephanie and her family, have been adopting her boys from Haiti for over a year. After much prayer, red tape, phone calls, waiting, earthquakes and then more red tape, then even more prayer, they are finally reuniting tonight in Miami. I can’t tell you how my heart is rejoicing for Stephanie. […]
Different culture – different strokes
Different Culture – Different Strokes [easy-share buttons=”no” counters=0 native=”selected” show_fblike=”yes”] Sometimes living in a different culture, I just want to say “What you talking about Willis?” Sometimes I flat out love it! Sometimes – not so much. But, today I LURVE it! My family has been invited to a Dias de Reyes party. Basically, it […]
Spring Cleaning a lil’ early…plus reading something POWERFUL
We have been in cleaning mode today! All seven Christmas trees are up and away! We have scrubbed, washed, and scrubbed some more. We took down shower curtains, washed regular curtains, washed blinds, mopped, washed windows, scrubbed baseboards, cleaned the inside and outside of the oven – you name it, we probably did it today. […]
I’m sitting here reflecting on the past year… It has gone extremely fast. Last January, we left a party and watched the fireworks light up all around us, even though it was an hour into the new year. We worked on our home and worked some more. Then we worked some more. Isn’t seven years […]
A fave gift – A Ceiling Fan
A Fave Gift – A Ceiling Fan When my hubby and I got married years ago – we had very little, as finances go. [wpsr_pinterest] He was a Youth Pastor and I had been a church secretary and treasurer. Our courtship had been quick and the engagement seemed quicker. All within a week of getting […]