After 11 constant years of buying diapers for 5 kids – we are officially finished, for now anyway. (There I said it…I was scared if I said it- he would go backwards.) Our baby is P.O.T.T.Y.T.R.A.I.N.E.D. (I spelled it for you.) I have tears of JOY! I left him in the hands of another without […]
Army Birthday Party
Well, this may have been the best party yet, according to my 9 year old. He wants to do it again next year. My boys wanted an ARMY TANK cake. [wpsr_pinterest] I’m NOT a cake decorator. My sister is the cake decorator. My sister lives out of town so I had to do it. They […]
Holey Moley – 11 years already!!!
Today is my eldest son’s “official” birthday! Where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday, his Dad and I brought him home and had no idea even how to change a newborn’s diaper. Boy, I questioned God’s wisdom on letting us become parents – talk about not being prepared. We had to stop at Walgreens […]
Friend Making Monday – Its Almost December
1. Favorite website – (mine) – Okay, the Sunday School answer would not be that…uh, the other answer is… changes daily…today is Google Search! 2. Favorite color – Cobalt Blue 3. Facebook? Yes, I do…but mine is personal. 4. Favorite Christmas song? White Christmas – hey we live in Texas and have only had one […]
Glory Glory – It is COOKING day!
I’m a cooking today so I can play tomorrow…(That should really be a song.) My Thanksgiving Menu (in case you need a little inspiration. I hope I’m not forgetting anything.) Appetizers: Deviled Eggs and Stuffed Celery Main course: Fried Turkey (courteous of my favorite sister in all the world – she sent me this picture […]