1. Turkey or Ham? YUMMY – FRIED TURKEY from my precious brother in law, Nay and sweet sister Poo. 2. Favorite side dish. EASY Sweet Potato Casserole 3. Favorite dessert. EASY and Simple Cran-Apple Cobbler 4. Black Friday: Are you going or not? Yes, but with an awesome plan. 5. If so, what’s on the […]
Joy in my heart….IT’s MY SITs’ DAY, again…
(Yes, I’m having another SITs’ Day due to an error. If you made it to the last SIT’s DAY take a look at my latest post THE OFFICE – TOTAL MAKEOVER!) For my regular readers, this day is a treat! It is my SITs’ DAY! For visitors – WELCOME to the blog of chaos – […]
A hangover (so to speak)…a good kind!!!
Wow! What an inspiring day yesterday was for me! So, many visits and comments for the SITs’ Day and it turns out one of the links messed up so it was just 1/2 the fun. Another one will be coming soon because of the mess-up! What a super blessing! I have soooo many emails to […]
Events that should have warned you – it is one of those days!
Yesterday was a day of days! I woke up to “Honey, I let the dog out in the middle of the night and she is missing.” Okay, let me give you this picture…I’m asleep, haven’t had my coffee yet, and I hop up quickly to go look for a stinky dog (who is NOT my […]
Questioning my chartreusse and fleur di lis…
The other night some friends and I went out for dinner. For some reason, we started talking about Fleur di Lis. I pronounce fleur di lis like fleur di lease and someone told me it was fleur di lee. What do you say? I looked it up and was still a little confused. So many […]