Lego’s are a part of our home whether our feet like it or not. Those suckers HURT in the middle of the night when we are walking in the dark to get a glass of water. In fact, they will make you scream out in pain. I’m ready to call in the troops because of […]
A sweet gift…Barney, Andy, Opie, and Aunt Bee.
A friend of mine owns a little bookstore in town. Every once in a while, she invites us over and we can have whatever we want, that she will not be able to sell. Well, I found a jewel. She said it was not worth anything but I would have to differ in opinion. From […]
How funny!!! I was featured…
Want to hear something funny that happened? Yesterday, I received an email from a friend who I haven’t talked with in ages. She said she recognized my kitchen because I had been featured over here and then came to my blog. How fun is that? I didn’t even know I had been featured! Two blessings […]
A sweet memory…
(If you came over from A soft place to land – please go HERE instead. There was a glitch. Sorry -about that!) Last May, we traveled up to my hometown. Why we were there we got to visit with my Dad and Step-mom. This turned out to be the last time that we got to […]
Kind of a hard week…
After an amazing service on Sunday, my phone started to ring. We were actually still in the service so I silenced the ringer. It kept ringing. First it was my Dad then my Mom. As soon as our pastor released us – I hurried out the door and answered the phone. It turns out the […]