It is getting close to migration time for hummingbirds depending where you live. I love this time! I filled up my feeders yesterday and this morning I saw 10 different birds going crazy. I use powdered nectar, which costs about $1.99 per bottle. I make 2/3 cup at a time and clean my feeders once […]
Yard sale Stop
A lady down our street collects antiques. She has a yard sale at least three times a year, I always try to stop in when time permits. Saturday, was by accident. I was by myself (which is a rarity) and had the time. Whoop! Look at my finds… This matches some Fostoria glass that has […]
Football 101 (mostly for the girls) – pass me those brownie points if you please.
Football season is upon us, whether we like it or not. I ♥ Football! I love the smell of the leather. I love the air is getting cooler. I love the yells from both sides. I love the camaraderie that comes from men and ladies cheering on their fave teams. I ♥ football. When I […]
My very own button…explained.
I wanted to explain my button. It has a picture of a tree that was taken at my parent’s house. Where we live now, we don’t have these HUGE trees. I just appreciate them so much more now that I’m an adult and a parent. As a child, we would climb them, use them for […]
What am I?
My hubby and I have been going through a class together at church. It is an advanced discipleship class. Basically, we are in deacon training. This past class, got me thinking. I don’t want to be defined by my religion affiliation, i.e. Baptist, Assembly of God, Pentecostal, or even non-denominational. I want to be known […]