Recently, a friend of mine is moving back to North Carolina. Her hubby is going to Iraq for a while. They both will be coming back to us, when his term is complete. What an honor it is for us to know these precious people, who are willing to sacrifice so much for our country. […]
God burps
I was having a sweet talk with my now 3 year old. I asked, “Who made your eyelashes?”He replied “Nobody.”I said “No, God made your eyelashes.”He retorted “God is a mom.”Then he corrected his self. “God is a boy.”“Boys burp. God burps. Girls bell {meaning belch}.”I try to correct him saying that God is perfect […]
Sneezing, from what you ask?
My blonde son has terrible allergies. Sunday we stayed home from church because I wanted him to rest and not be by other kids, he hardly had a voice. It is so sad to hear him when he is sick. His gift is encouraging. It is hard to edify people without a voice and sounding […]
Awww Shucks, me?
I have been awarded an “One Lovely Blog Award”. Yaa! She was given to me by: Energizer Bunny’s Mommy Reports is getting ready to have a whole month of giveaways. Go see her site – you could win! (I almost didn’t type this because I’m selfish and want to win.) The nice thing about this […]
Fave Five Photo Blog Hop
All my kids are my fave! Don’t tell them that! They each think that they are my only fave and I like it that way. I have so many photos. Probably my fave is the one that is on the top of this page when they were on the railroad track. But, since everyone sees […]