Sometimes we get a little stir-crazy in our home. So, we look to each other for some entertainment. What should we do? Let’s make funny faces! Okay, that went fast. Now what? Let’s lay on our backs and count the stars. Oh, wait it is daytime. Let’s count to one trillion. {Aren’t those cute feet?} […]
I always wanted a sister. When I was in Jr. High, I got one. She is so very special to me. We talk at least twice a week, since we live about 6 hours from each other. She is the person I will call at midnight knowing she is up and ready to hear everything […]
Ugh…feeling heartsick…
Dear Mr. Keeper of things I can’t find, I can’t find my wedding ring anywhere! This ring is so special to me and I’m looking everywhere! Okay, so if you see it please give me a call – at this point – I’m not sure where it could have ended up. Sincerely,The Weak Hearted Follow-up […]
Couples – Are you listed?
A long long time ago in a far away land lived a husband and a wife. They never showed any PDA (Public Display of Affection). Their kids grew up thinking “touching” was a sin. A long long time ago in a far away land lived a husband and wife. They believed it was okay to […]
Big girl now…
Parker Alexandria is off the bottle! She loves to eat and drink out of a bowl. Plus, she is potty-trained. Oh – I wish it was this easy for the kids. Can you see the “M” on her forehead? Is it because she is a Maine Coon cat? (We are in the need to know.) […]