Years ago, we lived in a rent house and the owner had planted these flowers. I fell in love. When we bought our home here, I planted about 50 bulbs. None of them came up. I was so sad. Last year, one came up in October. I couldn’t believe it. This year 10 came up. […]
My last night…
Tonight was my last night of my nature photography lessons. I am officially off the green – easy button. Although, I have so much to learn, I’m truly a happy camper. It has been such a long time since I was in any type of classroom (other than my kitchen, playroom and living room) and […]
5 long years…
My hubby and I are not farmers. However, we are trying our hardest to get a few things to grow. He told a friend of mine last night, one of his nicknames for me is Morticia. That is just wrong, Mr. Father of My Children! I study plants. I just kill them in the process.Well, […]
It’s a girl!
Meet our newest family member, her name is Parker Alexandria. My daughter told us she was going to call her Alexandria for short. We are thinking she was born around May 1st. Her mom moved her and her siblings under some boards. The whole story is here about we found her. Then one day, we […]
Critter Getters…
This week has been anything but boring, thus the reasoning I haven’t been blogging as much. (By the way – if you happen to say the “B” word in our house – you will be getting lots of chores. My kids think this is a “real” cuss word.) [easy-share buttons=”no” counters=0 native=”selected” show_fblike=”yes”] This was […]