Saturday, started off well a pretty “boring” day. My hubby let me sleep in. My kids slept late, as well. We had planned on nothing and that is really what we did. (We did work on curricula – something I dread, more than childbirth.) So, after a great supper, ravioli lasagna, we decided to go […]
Photography Class…
Last Friday, I was able to take a Photography class. I loved it!I took this sunset last night. Isn’t the sky just gorgeous? The teacher, taught us so much! I was very privileged to be able to hear her speak. (Thank you hubby, for taking off a half day to stay with the kids.) Her […]
We will win this…
My family has been fighting an illness for three weeks now. Off and on with the temps. Off and on with the vomiting. Off and on with the grouchiness (the grouchy part is just Mommy.) I thought today, would be the day of complete healing. But, what do I awake and hear? “Mommy, my tummy […]
My playlist…
I removing my playlist from my entry page, due to it starts when it wants to, not how I set it. It is so temperamental, just like some children or some adults that I know. You are never tempermental, just like me, right? (Okay, my hubby is laughing hard at this one.) This way, if […]
It is no secret that my husband spoils me. I don’t mean a little spoiled either. Truly spoils me, rotten! Sometimes I am so spoiled I stink! (Not physically, because I’m always covered up by a “Beautiful” fragrance or Bath and Body Works floral collection.) The first thing every morning he does, is brings me […]