My hubby and I had different favorite traditions growing up. Mine was to go buy a new dress, new shoes, and maybe a pretty bonnet. His was that they colored eggs. So, now we do both with our children. My boys don’t get a bonnet but they do get something new. This year it was […]
He is Risen!
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is no longer here, He has risen!” ©
Building a ……
My hubby took off this past week and his parents came down to visit. During their time off, my father-in-law and hubby have been building a project in our back yard. This “project” has had all sorts of names i.e. fort, playhouse, swing set, and burn pile. Okay, I made up the name burn pile, […]
Ever feel like this?
The other day this ground dove was on my roof. I love seeing birds, they are very interesting creatures. As long as the bird was on the roof, the bird seemed safe. You see, down by the bird bath was a stray cat. The cat was hiding under my lantana, ready to pounce on it’s […]
Guess who???
A long time ago, before there were bills was a fairytale life. There was always someone to wash the clothes, someone to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There was someone to wipe away all the tears from a fall and someone to cheer when something said right. There were even special times just to rest […]