Lately, it seems everyone I run into, has been so busy, they are having a hard time seeing which way is up. (Myself included.) With just the normal tasks, being a mom, being the picker-upper of toys, the bathroom cleaner, the dishwasher, the loader of the washing machine, the un-loader of the dryer, the hanger […]
Park Purple Party…
Park Purple Party My Princess’ 7th Birthday party was at our park last Friday. We actually didn’t decide to have the party until that Wednesday night. Usually, we prepare way in advance for this kind of thing, but time got away from us because we have been so busy working on the house. We had […]
Just a FYI : Cincinnati Chili
Have you ever heard of Cincinnati Chili? I first heard about it about 11 years ago. Being a Texan girl, I like Texas Chili, so why would I try something so different? Well, my hubby is from that area, so I had to try it. The first time I met his parents, they took me […]
Princess’ 7th Birthday
Today is my Princess’ Birthday! She is so precious to us. Each one of my children have certain qualities that stand out. Hers is her sense of humor and sense of organizing and designing. They are traits that are desperately needed in our home. She also takes being a big sister very seriously. Her younger […]
Happy Birthday – to 2 very OLD people!!! (hehehe)
Today is two very special people’s birthdays…Today is John Deere Paw Paw’s (my step-dad) Birthday! Yes, this is what we call him because he happens to have owned a John Deere Tractor. He likes to take my kiddos hunting, fishing, four-wheeling and will dance like a ballerina for our entertainment. He is a very special […]