I know the 100th post is supposed to be an achievement of some sort and I can’t believe I have already got to it. So, I wanted to share a scripture for this monumental occasion. I couldn’t think of a better scripture to express my thoughts. It makes me want to belt out with singing […]
Dogs and Rabbits
My sister is the outside type. I’m the inside type. She doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty, in fact, she would rather be playing in the dirt. I like to be inside – painting my nails. So, when she told me this story, I was even more glad it was her son and not mine. […]
Spring is in the air…
Every February, Spring starts where we live. The first sign is my Mountain Laurel tree. It bloom with purple flowers that smell like grape Kool-Aid. I need to plant my veggies soon. Are you planting something? ©www.ilovemy5kids.blogspot.com
Tea Parties and friends…
I was going through some of my photos and I came across some sweet picts of my daughters. They love pretend tea parties. They love to have friends over – very sociable creatures. Then I came across this photo…some of my girlfriends. We weren’t have a tea party but we still like to fellowship (church […]
My Closet and new fave scripture…
I just had to show you one of my morning friends. This is a red ruby throated hummingbird. They are the most fascinating birds in my opinion. I have three feeders and see them all the time. They are known to travel across the gulf of Mexico which takes 18 to 20 hours of non-stop […]