Should Christians celebrate Halloween? I know this is a very controversial subject (even among our own family members.) For personal reasons, this has never been my favorite day of the year. I have always dreaded this specific day to the point of hiding in the house and not coming out. (Sounds so crazy to me […]
God’s little gift to me
This might not seem important to many people. But, one of my Gladiolas decided to bloom in October. I came home from Dallas and this was the first thing I saw. (Never mind the weeds, the Gardner, [me] seems to be on hiatus.) I had to help it up by leaning it against my fall […]
Introducing LANAguage
In high school, I took Spanish Class 1 from Ms. Chesson. I liked Ms. Chesson. She was a very sweet lady and went to my church. We didn’t have any issues except one, I didn’t like learning something difficult. Spanish was so foreign to me. (Excuse the pun.) Ms. Chesson would play silly games that […]
Allow Me to Introduce My Beautiful Family
Hi there – Ho there! I’ll be amazed if anyone actually reads this. With 5 kids your probably wondering how she has the time to figure all this out. Well, it has taken me since the Spring and I don’t have it all figured out. As I’m typing my eldest, who is 9, is standing […]