Back in the fall – we visited a friend’s Pig Farm. Oh my. Think Charlotte’s Web. Think Wilbur. Think Stinky. I wish I could say they smelled like roses. Or bacon. But, it wasn’t either. Actually, my friend’s farm smelled a lot better than I thought it would. It was cool weather and I’m […]
Homemade Egyptian School Projects–The Mummy
Homemade Egyptian School Projects–The Mummy My kids loved learning about mummies. (Me – not so much.) They loved to share with anyone who would listen how the priests got the brain out of the head. Let me just say, be careful when you blow your nose. Ugh. I don’t like the thought of any of […]
Amazing Backyard Garden Tour
A few weeks ago, my hubby and I went to a very relaxing BBQ with some other “youth” parents, at the home of someone who goes to Church with us. I can’t believe my child is old enough to be in the “youth” group! I’m so young! Once a week, we have been hosting […]
Our Amish Story
This past summer the hubby and I stopped in a little Amish community in Texas. It is just a few hours from our house. We really didn’t know who we were looking for or what we were looking for. But, God did. I have been wanting to write this story since we went but never […]
Reasons you SHOULDN’T send your kids to Grandma’s House
Growing up, Moms, in general have “that” look. If you allow your children to go visit your parents – be prepared – they might turn into YOUR MOTHER! And if your look like your Mom or your daughter looks like you, be prepared… She’ll come home looking more like her GRANDMA! Who eventually is the […]