This is our weekend project (turned into a few weekends) – building a fence across our back alley.
I went shopping. When I left, the yard looked like THIS…
The reason for THIS – THE GUY in the RED shirt.
THE GUY’s lil‘ helper.
(Ax was just for photograph props. Taken away as soon as photograph session ended.)
What the kids do when – THIS – is going on…
My eldest was carrying a huge board and I told him to “Watch out!” He almost broke the twine that marked where the fence was going. He said “Mom, I’ll trade you jobs, I’ll walk around and tease Dad and you can carry these.”
No way, buckaroo, I earned this job! It’s a fringe benefit of being a wife.
More pictures to follow…it is looking fabulous!
now we can play dodgeball?
That looks like quite a project…Can’t wait to see the finished results.