My hubby and I spoke on finances at our local MOPs’ group. (Mothers of Preschoolers) This is some of what we went over during the discussion.
He is a wiz on setting up finances i.e. budgets, creating a plan and other nerdy stuff. I’m the one who likes to spend but with thrift in mind.
We work well together, most of the time (don’t ask about putting Christmas lights on the tree.)
I decided to come up with 77 ways to save or at least spend less.
Most of these ideas, came from years of browsing the net or just word of mouth.
77 ways – WOW! Why 77?
Well, 7 is my fave number.
God used this number over and over in scripture, 7 days of creation, 7 days in a week, and so on…so then 77 ways to $pend $$$ was perfect, so to speak.
This is in no particular order. Neither I nor this site are responsible for others changing their policy, price changing or other’s site’s content.
Well, 7 is my fave number.
God used this number over and over in scripture, 7 days of creation, 7 days in a week, and so on…so then 77 ways to $pend $$$ was perfect, so to speak.
This is in no particular order. Neither I nor this site are responsible for others changing their policy, price changing or other’s site’s content.
- Use cash not credit. (It actually hurts physically to spend cash.) Not to mention you won’t be spending finance charges, late charges, and other fees.
- Coupon but beware; it can be time consuming. Food manufacturer coupons are hard to use in our area because we are limited on one particular store, which doesn’t double, triple, or stack coupons.
However, some other stores do stack, i.e. Walgreen’s, CVS, and Target and sometimes even Kmart.
(Basically, that means when a product is on sale, you can use a manufacturer coupon and store coupon together.)
Check with your own store to see their policy.
This sometimes is not worth the trouble for the time issue. My time means a lot and I don’t like spending all day sorting coupons.
However, when I see a really good deal i.e. diapers, I’m there! - If you do coupon – there are gobs of coupon sites. They will do the work for you. They will tell you when the best time to use each coupon and at what store. Google it! I got 124,000,000 sites.
- Price shop when buying in bulk. Buying in bulk does not necessarily mean you are saving money. Check it out!
- Look for your product online. They will actually tell you when a price drops.
- A lot of stores now price match or offer a 10% back if you find a price lower than what is offered, even within 30 days of purchasing. Sears, Lowes, Home Depot, to name a few.
- Don’t gamble – put your money in a jar. It usually earns the same interest. (0%)
- Don’t give into whining from your kids or hubby at the check-out line. We don’t give allowances just because they are our kids. We give commissions. Each child has 5 chores that they are responsible for each day. We keep an easy to read chart on the refrigerator so they can mark off each chore. At the end of the week, Daddy pays them for each job that they did. Does it work? The kids now have more money than Mommy does.
- Make your own coffee and other fast food items. Make going to Star-bucks or McDonald’s a luxury.
A white chocolate mocha grande costs $4.28.
If I bought just one a week, that comes to $222.56 a year.
One cheeseburger happy meal is $2.98.
For one kid, once a week the total is $154.96, a year.
For two kids, once a week, the total is $309.92, a year.
For five kids, once a week, the total is $774.80, a year. Ouch!!! - Make a budget for gifts and stick to it! I like to make it a game. I shop sales all year round and make it $5.00 a gift or less. (I do spend more on my hubby and my own children.) This is secret so don’t tell my friends or family. Besides, spending more time searching for the gift actually makes it more thoughtful.
Target has HUGE clearances all year long. I have found many items $20.00 marked down to $3.00 or so. Even a $5.00 gift card to McD’s is thoughtful. - Shop – homemade gifts. Bargain here!
- Create a gift closet or a gift box. Keep a list in your purse who you need to buy for and what you have bought. It sure makes December so much less stressful.
- Prepare a weekly menu. This has been the biggest saver for us. has a blog party every Monday for ideas.
- If you like to eat out and want to save the cash check out or
- Start planning your Black Friday sales in August/September. It pays to be prepared. Check out this link Bargain Shopper Lady.
- WAIT WAIT WAIT for at least 24 hours on huge purchases I.e. furniture…
- Take a person with you who is budget conscience when shopping.
- Use group discounts. Just invite my family when you go to the zoo, aquarium, or even a semi-pro basketball game to get a large group discount.
- Lay off the gas when driving. Tickets are expensive!
- Keep your car in tune. Find someone who is a professional but doesn’t charge like a shop. Book time or labor can be a killer on the pocketbook!
- Buy used if possible and if it is worth it. My time is very valuable – it’s sometimes worth it to buy brand new.
- Ask for the discount! If it has a grease stain on it – you have to spend time to get it out. (Target is good about this especially on home goods.)
- When on vacation visit the Convention and visitor bureau or Chamber of Commerce. They have a lot of coupons there!
- September is the month at a lot of vacation places go ½ off. It’s the month after summer (busy season) and before fall (busy season). Cruises from Sandals resorts sometimes go ½ off because of hurricane season – so make sure you get the traveler’s insurance.
- Drink water instead of cola when you go out eat. (We’ve developed a soft drink day – Sunday’s only.)
- Coupon codes for free shipping – just Google it!
- Don’t stop at the grocery store just to buy bread. Use crackers or tortillas instead. These bi-weekly stops are expensive and a time waster.
- 2 words – Spray Paint! Cheaper than buying new!
- Sonic has a happy hour 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. ½ off all drinks including slushes.
- When you fly – sometimes it is cheaper to drive a little to a neighboring airport than to the larger airport. (Cincinnati is usually more expensive than Dayton, Ohio which is 1 hour and 30 minutes away. The same is usually true for Houston Hobby and Houston Intercontinental.)
- Go meatless a couple of nights a week. An old Southern fave, beans and cornbread. Yum! Yum!
- Combine breakfast and lunch on the weekends ~ BRUNCH!
- New cars depreciate 70 percent in the 1st 4 years on average. Look at
- Leasing a car is usually not worth the money!!! $300. A month = no car at the end. Just add up the figure and weigh it against a reliable used car. It is worth saving the money and buying used.
- Shop auto insurance among other insurance policies every six months to a year.
- Texas is deregulated – shop electricity rates! This saved us a bundle! Check your state.
- Take advantage of kids eat free nights or Family nights. Luby’s, Carino’s, IHOP, and Denney’s.
- Get on a ZERO based Budget!
- Make sure your home insulated well. Investing a little saves a lot!
- Replace A/C filters timely – makes the air conditioner run less.
- Clean A/C coils at least once a year, again it makes it run less!
- Vacuum refrigerator coils once a year.
- Get on a birthday rewards list. Signs you up for free meals!
- Toys-R-Us has a neat birthday program. Geoffrey always calls my kids on their birthday and sings them a song. Plus, they get a birthday card and coupon.
- Burger King, Sonic, and Whataburger also have kid’s birthday clubs.
- Vocalpoint is a neat site that you give your opinion and they send great coupons and free products.
- If you do sign up for offers online, it is wise to open a separate email account or at least a disposable account. Many places like to send spam and this is just a way to avoid it in your personal email.
- Stamps are $.42 plus the envelope – this could save a lot in a year’s time if you use Billpay or pay bills online.
- This may be over the top but make your own laundry detergent. I’ve been doing this for a year and it has saved me tons!
- This may be way over the top but make your own hand soap.
- Make your own curtains or mistreatments. Nester has so many simple decorating ideas on here! I love making my home a refuge and pretty, she gives the info on how to do it!
- Make sure you have enough house insurance. Home values increase and sometimes we forget about the insurance. (Happened to my parent’s rent house that burned down.)
- Sometimes multi-lining insurance is cheaper and sometimes not.
- Get your credit report! You can get a free one from each of the 3 BIG ones! Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.
- Go to, it helps you compare cell phones and rates.
- Look for bundle packages. (Ask for a deal – if I buy 2 will you give me ½ off?)
- Save that $1000. for that emergency fund. Then you will have money when the car needs that part that only exists when your car breaks down.
- If you never fly, why do you have that frequent flier card that you are paying high interest on?
- In some instances generics are wonderful, i.e. medicines. My pharmacy also delivers to my door for free! I don’t have to stand in line with other sick people.
- Money saving mom has 100 ways to save $100.
- Check out, it looks for financing and checks bank rates.
- Go to, it buys old gadgets (cells, ipods, etc…).
- Patience – the sales will come! Those who wait will get a deal!
- Educate yourself – read a how-to book. We have learned how to tile, grout, roof, and much more just by asking tons of questions.
- Don’t be overwhelmed with money. It’s only paper. People are going to live forever – one way or another. Teach your children that they are more important than paper. However, also teach them to save, to spend and to give!
- Use coffee filters for snack time instead of paper plates.
- Use They have a deal a day for great gift ideas.
- Use your ceiling fans. They produce wind that blows on you to make you feel cooler so you don’t have to turn down the a/c.
- Get plant clippings from friends. You could do your whole yard from clippings. Contact a Master Gardener – they usually always share.
- Buy smaller plants and wait for them to grow instead of mature ones.
- Check out Major sales!
- Check out More major sales and deals!
- Check out Even more major sales and deals!
- Michaels has an unbelievable selection of cards and stationary usually marked down to $.50. They also have an entire room of close-outs.
- Hobby Lobby sends out a coupon every week.
- Save your receipts from Target – if the product goes a lower price then they will give you your money back. Other stores do this as well. Just gotta ask!
- Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. Luke 6:38 If you have more, please let me know. I’m always looking for a great deal!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Couponing is time-consuming, yes. But if I spend an hour on my coupons then save $20 at the supermarket, then that’s like being paid $20/hour for something that is as much fun as a hobby.
I understand why a store doesn’t double coupons, but not letting you stack them???? Too bad someone else doesn’t build a new supermarket a mile away that does all these fun things. That store of yours needs some competition, LOL!
You have some great tips here! My favorite is #77.
Great ideas. Popping by from SITS.
Wow, how impressive to come up with 77!
I LOVE this post!!! I am not a coupon person (have found I end up buyin things I don’t need) I totally agree with you about the cash! I had no idea about saving Target reciepts! That is awesome to know!!
I am enjoying your blog. Congrats on being featured today on SITS!
Wow! This list is so helpful. I need to take more time to peruse all these tips.
AHH! No starbucks? I don’t know if I can bear it 😉 BUT I do already like going out to eat Brunch so hopefully it’ll even out hehe. Thanks for sharing these tips, they will definitely come in handy when it comes to my new year’s resolution this coming year!
Wow, what a long list! I’ll have to come back to read it more carefully later, time to go to work! Just wanted to let you know though, I love your blog and am now a follower!
Congrats on you SITS day and I’m thankful I have such a nice employer and a job to go to!
GREAT tips! I really need to stop my little trips to the store for one or two things throughout the week.
77 ways?!? My mind is boggled already! Good job!
These are some great tips! I’m slowly getting into the habit of buying gifts all year round as well.
What an amazing list of tips and resources! Thank you! So many great ideas! I’m a huge fan of buying second-hand. It’s the ultimate way to combine saving money and promoting recycling of resources. I was also thrilled to see that you put in a plug for buying “hand-made”. Loved the idea about using the coffee filters for snacks. Brilliant!
Great list! Happy SITS day!
There are some great ideas on that list. I think it is really important to ask for deals. Sometimes people will be very accomodating (especially at independently owned stores). It never hurts to ask, especially if it means saving a few dollars.
Good post, I’m surprised you came up with that many things. My kids have gotten used to me having them pack a picnic or snacks for the car, if we needed to be out for the day.
I have to laugh at #18-everyone says that about our family too!!
We do use credit cards because my husband only gets paid once a month but we pick one with benefits for us-like cash back-and pay it off each month.
What great ideas. I am a couponer though I only cut the coupons I or someone in my family would use. Gonna check on the new sites you listed here.. I do a lot of shopping on Ebay early in the year when there are not tons of people in a rush to get Christmas gifts…
Oh Lana, you are a woman after my own heart:) Super list!
Wow, this was an awesome list – what an inspiration! I totally need to buckle down and do better with my family’s money, so thank you for these great ideas. I really, really appreciate it. Happy SITS Day!
Those are great tips. #7 brought a smile to my face and #77 is a fitting end. BTW 7 is my favorite number as well for the same reasons you gave.
Have a good day today.
i Love your post! I agree with setting up a budget for presents. I also make sure the kiddies make the cards to make the presents extra special =)
What an awesome list! Thank you so much for including Menu Plan Monday. Menu planning has been such a lifesaver for me.
Love your list. You have some great ones. #22 ask for a discount…we had to buy 5 new full size tires (ouch!!). They didn’t have a buy 4 get one free sale, so I asked for a discount on the 5th. I don’t remember how much we got off, but it was a good bit. Asking does work!
What a great post ~ you’ve got so many wonderful & inspiring ideas here. Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Wow! Such a great list! Thank you so much for sharing.
I totally agree with you on “menu plan” being the biggest saver. I am amazed that such a simple thing can make such a big difference!!
I didn’t see this one on there but definitely join! They send products to try and usually send coupons as well to share with others. In return you are asked to just write up quick reports of how you share the “Bzz”. We’ve received some big things (Sonicare toothbrush, Logitech universal remote) and lots of smaller things (hair products, cleaning supplies, drinks, candles, etc).
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love this post! This is my first visit via WFMW, and I will be adding you to my blogroll. =)
I have more! Here are mine:
great post and what a great topic for a MOPS meeting!!!
oh and #35 – my husband would love to quote your insurance! 🙂 we are in texas too!
that is a really long list with some very good and common sense advice. thanks for sharing it! great tips…now i am off to look at a couple of those links.
The Bargain Shopper Lady’s post prompted me to visit. Thanks so much for the tips. I’m going to check out a bunch of your links.
Thank you for including me! great tips!
I’m so glad you listed these for us! I love good money saving ideas!!
I love this post! Especially the part about only spending $5 or less on gifts :). Next time you all are up here you need to come see mom’s “store”. She shops all year and brings them home to an extra room in the house. We’ve always called this the store, because Allison and I will “shop” here every now and then. She has brought Christmas to an entire class of first graders from an inner-city Cinti school before out of the stuff in her store. It’s such a blessing.
I love this Lana….am gonna share this with my hubby too…so many similarities again!….I do shop during sales for prezzies…its crazy to pay full price and when prices drop it only makes sense to stock!
Wow!!!! Thanks for posting this. I’ve only had time to read the first 7 but I will be back! Hugs to you for posting this! How timely.