Do you like something special about your pantry or one you have seen?
Seriously, my sweet hubs is getting so fast at putting up sheet-rock. I went to sleep one night and the next morning it looked like this! Not bad work…
I mean it was this when I went to bed…
To this when the sun came up! I love my man! Do you see my new lazy-susan? I love her!
Lil’ guy wanted to get in on the action!
What happens when you get a almost 4 year old and a big vacuum cleaner?
Lots of pictures by Mom and smiles by Dad.
It is hard work – but somebody had to do it!
Every little bit of dust!
I mean-every little bit of it! He’s a mighty cleaning machine! His Daddy is so patient with him. I love seeing my Hubs instilling good work ethics in our sons.

For a blast in the past – take a look at all the other parts of our Kitchen Remodel!
My Romantic Home
Mustard Seed Creations
I’m loving it Friday
It’s So Very Cheri
Made by you Monday
The girl creative
Works for Me
The thrifty home
Wow, I just started a link party and I would LOVE it if you’d consider adding your crafts to it! thanx for the info.
What a lot of work, and it looks great! Not too much longer to go and you can tell already how nice it will be in the end! We’re adding a kitchen to the basement we’re living in this summer! Soon I’ll have a space that looks just like yours! I just started a link party and I would LOVE it if you’d consider adding your crafts to it! I’m having flower headband giveaway as part of our first party too!
How sweet that he wanted to help. My little boy loves helping too. He gets the biggest smile on his face when he helps me. Your kitchen is going to be beautiful. The memories of y’all working together already are.
great way to teach the lil kiddos about house work in real life.. I did the same with my kids.. teach them how to do simple housework.. epecially when it comes to their belongings like toys, books, clothes, shoes and so on.. they got to be responsible of their belongings.. so that they know how to appreciate them better.. thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
Such a great post! Our kids know that whining will only get them MORE work. But beyond that, we have taught them to be grateful for work and in our home it is an honor to serve. We use mealtime to teach them to serve each other and for the non-servers to show honor and respect to the one serving. Oh I could go on and on….maybe I’ll blog about it. LOL! Lisa~