Fall is one of my most absolutely favorite seasons. I know there are only 4 to pick from, but there is just something WONDERFUL about crunchy leaves, the gorgeous colors, and the little bit of a cold nip in the air. We’re taking more walks and along our way we manage to accumulate leaves, sticks and rocks to ‘collect’. 

Creating with those collections can be fun too!
What You’ll Need:
- rocks, sticks, leaves, pinecones…a variety of things you find in nature
tacky glue {NOT white Elmer’s glue ~ trust me on this one!}
wiggly eyes
a large tarp…or something to protect your work surface
How to Make:
The directions are pretty simple ~ CREATE!! Once you’ve gathered all of your nature materials, let you kids have fun gluing them all together to make bizarre beautiful animals and creatures.
Then set your odd little creatures on the counter to dry. A simple {but fun} activity that will keep your little ones busy and get those creative juices flowing!
Jolanthe is a mom of 4 rather energetic kiddos {currently 8,7,5, and 3} ~ and wife to a great man, who has much grace for her and her many endeavors. She homeschools her children and life is never dull or lacking in excitement. She blogs about the fun of family life @ No Ordinary Moments and about their family’s homeschool adventures @ Homeschool Creations. She also partners with her friend Carisa in heading up the Totally Tots blog. You can follow her tweets @jolantheerb.
Stoped by from through the Hip Homeschool Hop. 🙂 Beautiful kids!
Thanks so much for making something simple while having fun! I need more of these fun ideas in my life! 🙂