Are you ready for some Football, maybe?
(If you don’t know how to play or want to impress your Football Honey – go see our Football 101 for girls!)
My boys are boycotting it. (Well, sort of.)
Every team they routed for this season, lost.
The superbowl has meant a lot for our family in the past…
Girls vs Boys
The girls would pick the team by the prettiest colors.
The boys would pick by which city they like the most.
Such sweet times that we girls, would gang up against the boys.
Girls always won!
This year, the boys, actually paid attention to the players and really wanted the team that honored their Mom the most.
Oh, wait – maybe not.
I’m not sure what possessed the boys to pick their teams – I’m sure it had something to do with their favorite Mom.
But, the point being – they don’t like the Steelers or Green Bay. (I hope I didn’t just lose readers! I like the Hershey Chocolates team…yeah, I know it is not a real team…but it should be!)
I’m still going to prepare some yummy food. It is a tradtion.
I think my boys will change their minds when we decide to watch a Chick-Flick instead. I just need a good title! If you have a fave, family friendly chick flick – let me know!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
We had the same season as your family and are not too excited about the Super Bowl either. It was a pretty rotten year for football, wasn’t it? But hey, any excuse for yummy snack food is well received in our house! lol