This past month, my hubby and I have gone into “chef” mode. We’ve been trying “new” recipes like no-body’s business! Most have been great – others I won’t mention.
They all are pinned on my Easy Recipes Pinterest Board –
if you haven’t joined Pinterest – I love it!
It helps me plan my meals, decorate my house,
and gives me so many DIY ideas even with homeschooling.
and gives me so many DIY ideas even with homeschooling.
If you need an invite – I’d be glad to give you one!
Here are the yummy recipes!
Greek Salad (I made this last Friday – even my kids liked it!)
Hobo Dinner
The BEST chocolate PIE EVER!
My hubs made this for me – just because he loves me more than anyone on earth! He left out the unsweetened chocolate and it was still YUM!
My hubby is in charge of the cooking on Sunday nights.
For the past few months, this is what we have had…Homemade Tomato Soup with Awesome Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!
I mean different cheeses – every time! This is NOT like canned soup!
This recipe is one that is on my counter!
I started it a few days ago and I’m curious how it will turn out. I’ve done “yeast” starters before that I have received from friends but never have I started one myself.
We will see!
I might be giving away tons of Amish Friendship Bread Baggies or I might freeze them up for gifts to give away this Holiday Season!
I’m having a Hermie Giveaway! Be sure to enter!
All it takes is one comment and you are entered, on the Hermie post!
All it takes is one comment and you are entered, on the Hermie post!
Also, have I mentioned I’m writing for the Homeschool Post?
If you are new to ilovemy5kids, feel free to read our LOVE story and the story of our 5 kids over there!
Okay, that was a lot of information – but I do have something new in the works! More details to follow…(ooh, cue the suspense music!)
Blessings to you! You are loved!
It all sounds good! Sure miss you my friend! When are you coming to visit and cook these goodies for us?
Ok…so, now I’m hungry again. Seriously, you had me with the salad!!!