If you haven’t joined – it is simply a helper for the homesteader, crafter, or decorator in you to be inspired.
Each week, our family is trying a new recipe.
I saw this recipe and decided to tweak it just a little.
Homemade Whole Wheat Healthy CrackersAdapted from HERE – Tasty Kitchen.
(This is what I did. I did not use the exact same ingredients.)
Cheddar Cheese, Shredded about 2 cups.
(Next time I might try Pizza Cheese) -
4 Tablespoons Salted Butter
1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
2 Tablespoons Cold Water plus some because the wheat made it very dry.
Basically, add the first 3 ingredients in a food processor until crumbly. Then add water to moisten into a play dough texture.
Wrap in a ball and set in the refrigerator long enough to give the kids another school lesson. That would be about 30 minutes.
Roll out dough with a large rolling pin into a thin sheet.
Then cut shapes. I made high heels and hearts.
Bake at 350 degrees F for about 10 minutes.
So SIMPLE! So Good!
Have you made them before?
I’m liking making my own stuff – that I just take for granted at the store!

Blessings to you! You are loved!