When we first got her she was just a yellow chick.
We watched her grow for 5 months then she became a layer.

She turned into a beautiful white chicken.

She was my son’s favorite. He named her “Daisy.”
He is our “Chicken Whisperer.”
He is our “Chicken Whisperer.”

He talks to the chickens and they all love him.

We also had one of the “Reds” pass away as well.

At first we thought it was because someone had left the coop open but it turns out they had died when we were out of town. A neighbor took care of them for us.

I never like seeing my children hurt or lose something that is precious to them.
Who would?
It seems like it should teach some kind of lesson –
sometimes you just don’t care about life lessons.
You don’t have to have words.
You don’t have to have words.
You just “mourn with those who mourn.”

Our son is okay. He is not distraught.
He cried a little and then life went on.
We talked about replacing Daisy but we decided it was best not to right now.
But – we will in the future.

Blessings to you! You are loved!
God Bless you with five kids. Enjoy them and cherish the times. MyGardenCross.com designs and build garden and memorial crosses, even pet crosses.