We are trying our hardest to get our house on the market. So we are spiffing things up around here.
I do not have a laundry room.
I have a garage that has a corner for my water heater, washing machine, and dryer. For the past 11 years, I have kept my detergent on the floor in front of my washing machine. No biggie, I considered a bit of exercise. (hehe!)
My husband had some leftover wood and my boys were “bored.”
I love bored kids. If you ever have bored kids…send them to me.
They will no longer say the B word. Or at least my “dream” jobs might get done.
So guess who built me some new shelves? Yep, two “B” kids.
I love my teenage boys who are following in their Dad’s footsteps. Learning a skill and making this Mommy happy.
Before this blue was invented and yes I mean invented…the walls were a dingy white.
We bought some OOPs paint from Lowes. You know the kind they sale for $.50 behind the counter and then we mixed it with a little white ceiling paint make it a tad lighter.
I love it.
This wall used to be a door that went into the kitchen.
What a change! Love how it has transformed.
My garage now has a laundry room. It looks fantastic. Calming and refreshing.
Except there are now dirty clothes in it. And I still have to clean off the top of the washing machine. I refuse to show anyone my baskets of dirty clothes.
There are 8 loads waiting to be done. (Gulp!)
I love the summer when my kids wear less clothing…means less laundry.
Okay, want to know a small secret?
I actually like doing laundry. Shhh!!!
It relaxes me. Please don’t let my kids know.
Blessings to you! You are loved!