Gift Ideas for PreTeen Girls
I have 2 preteen girls. They are such a delight to me. We love to shop for girly things – their brothers do not enjoy our hobby.
My daughters and I have come up with their Most Haves.
Preteen Girls’ Must Haves
Make those eyelashes look longer by simply curling them. My daughter constantly gets compliments on her long eyelashes- her secret is the curler.
I don’t let my daughter wear makeup quite yet. But, I do let her wear mascara. Honestly, that is all she “needs.” She still has beautiful natural skin.
We are still testing out different mascaras. She has been wearing Maybelline New York Great Lash Mascara. It is tried and true and still loved by so many. But, I think she is wanting to experiment so we might find something else next time.
L’Oreal Paris Eye Makeup Remover
We messed up the first time we bought her eye makeup remover, we bought the oily kind. It left her eyes all greasy. She borrowed mine one night and realized how big of difference the two were. They look very similar so make sure you read them when buying. Say it with me – OIL FREE means Refreshing. It says it on the bottle – I’m not making this stuff up.
These are great for keeping fingernail shiny and smooth. It makes fingernail polish go on perfect. Plus, it is the perfect size to hide in your handbag. Yes, I said handbag…makes me think of something vintage. Although, I am far from being Vintage myself. I’m a young hot mama, as my hubby would proclaim.
I would also like to add Jamberry Nails.
I’m not a consultant. I do not make any money off this recommendation. But, I think they are pretty neat for young girls who are learning to take care of themselves. They are basically fingernail polish wraps that last a long time and come in various colors.
A tried and true lip gloss. I remember the Pioneer Woman writing a tribute to this awesome-sauce lip gloss a few years back. Don’t fight it. Just try it.
One on One Shopping Time
My girls love when we go shopping. We hit stores like Marshals, T.J. Maxx, Ross, Kirklands, and our newest fave Plato’s Closet.
I love having sweet girls. They give me so much joy and delight.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
EDITED to add:
[quote]Brodie wrote: “Thanks for the list, but what about for the non girly girls? My girls are into athletics not makeup…any ideas?”[/quote]
Oh my – YES!
My youngest daughter loves sports and they both enjoy being outdoors!
One of the things we can’t get enough of are ponytail holders and headbands! My girls seem to lose them on a daily basis.

I found shop on Etsy, called A Page of Creativity and she has the most adorable headbands. I have not ordered from her but she has over 300 followers and her stuff is just so cute.
Something else my girls both need: Duffle Bags!
One big enough to hold shoes, wet clothes, dry clothes, balls, etc…
I like this one:Some days my girls have to stay inside and can’t play outdoors – music helps!
Right now they like Britt Nicole. On Pandora or Amazon Prime – you can get it free most of the time.
We had gave them MP3 Walkmans a few years ago – those became so valuable for playing music.
My eldest daughter starting running a 5K earlier this year. An app, 5 K Run, helped her stay on track. Sometimes an iTunes gift card can help in so many ways other than games. (She had bought her own iPhone.)
I don’t care who you are: An ANT Farm is still fun to watch for hours.
Something my daughter recently asked for was a Fish Aquarium
. We have a 55 gallon downstairs but she wanted one for her room.
I was against the idea until we went to my brother’s house – they even have one in the bathroom. I thought – okay, I like them having a responsibility and it brings the outside in, plus they are just so peaceful. So we might get another one in the near future. I would suggest looking on Craigslist, first.
Thanks for the list, but what about for the non girly girls? My girls are into athletics not makeup…any ideas?
Hi Brodie,
I just updated the post with more ideas for even the “outdoor” girls. Mine are a little of both. I’m constantly in wonder how they are inside painting their nails and then outside digging in the dirt in the same hour. They must get it from their Dad’s wife. 😉