We have had the flu.
3 out of 7 of us.
This in any family requires some delicate training.
Thankfully, my hubby has been in OJT – On the Job training before.
He went to the store and stocked up with essentials for fighting this ugly virus.
Powerade, Kleenexes, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen.
He has been doing this for many years so he also knew I would not want to cook so he also planned a menu and bought all the groceries for the week. Ahem. (Seriously, he is better in this department than me. I might pretend to start having the flu all the time. Just kidding. Sort of.)
On my night stand are Thieves Essential Oil – I really believe this stuff cut off our flu time better than any over the counter or prescription medicine could. I don’t sell it…so I have nothing to gain by saying that. I diffuse it in the air with our diffuser and put it on my chest and ears.
Netflix, Amazon Prime Free Movies, CBS iPad App, and the good ole’ fashion Hallmark Channel are definitely guests we invited to this flu party. Without these guys – we would have had to talk. No one can talk with 3 people coughing – it is more like a chorus of whales in a very bad key that doesn’t really exist.
Something I passed down to my kids – was my love for baths. Especially, when I am sick.
I remember when I got my tonsils out – we had to stay near the hospital in Houston so we stayed at my Uncle’s house. It was an out patient surgery. I remember waking up late evening and went for a bath. My mom came in the room wondering what in the world I was doing, I was supposed to be sleeping. Baths always make me feel better.
Every time my kids get to feeling bad, they ask for a bath too.
Another essential when we are sick happens to be good books.
The one that got buried under all my other books is called:
“10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know” by Kari Kampakis.
When we got sick – I finally got a chance to read this little gem.
I got to say I have put off reviewing this particular book. I don’t want to read books that are for my “teenage girls.” I don’t want them really to have “teenage problems.” I want them to stay little and let me dress them up in bows and cute girly clothes. But, who am I kidding? My girls have been way past that for many years.
10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know covers 10 main subjects:
- Popularity
- Confidence
- Reputation
- Interacting with boys
- Self-Worship
- Perseverance
- Patience
- Image
- Inner Beauty
- Self-Talk
Honesty, I was quite impressed with this book. My eldest daughter and I have had many talks about all those subjects. However, she gains so much more (just like me) when she sees something in print.
I love how the author puts emphasis on Jesus, Others, Yourself. JOY! I have had that taped in my girls’ bathroom for months. I want them to have that focus. Sometimes teenagers are so self absorbed it is sickening. I want them to be able to serve others with true JOY.
This book does cover the S word, which might be too risque for my young girls’ ears. Then on the other hand, I understand maybe it isn’t. One of my own friends, had her first baby when we were in 8th grade so I know that some of my girls’ friends are probably doing the same. This is a book I will be going over with my daughters and not letting them read it without some supervision. I want my daughters to have an open discussion with me and be able to ask me anything, regardless of comfort levels.
The book also has discussion questions after each chapter, which for these topics – is brilliant. Sometimes parents’ minds can’t handle one more hard topic and this just makes it easy.
AND because I am a Tommy Mommy – I get to give one copy away!
Just answer either one of these questions in the comments:
- –What is the one truth you want to make sure your daughter remembers while she’s living under your roof?
- – What is the most important thing your mom taught you growing up?
[button align=”” color=”” size=”” link=””] (Rules: Book is for US address only. Please leave valid email. Winner will have 48hrs to respond to email or will forfeit. Winner will be chosen from the App: The Winner Is. Winner will be chosen on 2/20/2015.)[/button]
Blessings to you! You are loved!
[button align=”” color=”” size=”” link=””]Note: I may have been sent complimentary copy for review purposes only. Any links can be affiliates meaning if you buy something I might get some pennies. This review has not been monetarily compensated. The review was my honest opinion and views and not influenced by the sponsor in any way.[/button]
I want my daughter to remember that she is always loved – by God, and by her dad and I.
Hope you’re all back on your feet soon!!
Hope you’re feeling better soon! All three of us had the flu a few weeks ago. It was extra disappointing since all of us had the flu shot back in October. I’m jealous that your husband can grocery shop. We almost starved when I was sick!
My mom taught me how to cook. I think about her every time I make a meal. She gave me a great gift because I can make some really delicious meals when I’m not laid out with a 103 degree fever!