A long long time ago – life seemed to be less chaotic.
For some reason, time is of essence and I’m re-claiming my time!
(See what I do for enjoyment – I take self-portraits! Okay, this was my first and probably last.)
For some reason, time is of essence and I’m re-claiming my time!

It seems that after a day of eating bon bons and watching soaps like every other mother who has kids and a husband does – I forget about dinner. I mean totally forget and wish my family would fast more often.
(My kids have no idea what fasting really feels like, just like their mom has no idea of what laying on the couch eating bon bons feels like.)
After reading a book about Once A Month Cooking (3 years ago) – I think it might be time to start.
It took me like three days to write a menu and grocery list. It was not easy.
(The kids didn’t know Mommy needed to have a thinking time and the Spring weather outside kept “calling” my name…but once this is done-I will have time to play.)
I picked recipes that I knew my family would eat.
They were:
- Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas
- Lasagna
- Barbie Meatloaf Cups
- Taco Meat and Taco Homemade Seasonings
- Cincinnati Chili
- Wendy’s Chili
- 4th of July Bean Casserole
- Taco Soup
- Sloppy Joe Meat (This does not taste like the can stuff…this is scrumptious!)
- Meatloaf
- Pinto Beans
- Crock-pot Buffalo Chicken
- Pancakes
Then I wrote them down in my trusty notebook. If I ever lost this during the crazy process, I would have had a meltdown.
I wrote each recipe down like a table of contents. Then each recipe had its own page.
For example on the Sour Cream Enchilada page, I wrote down each of the ingredients. Then I tripled the recipe on the right of the page by each of the ingredients. This helped me tremendously when I was preparing the meal. I didn’t have to stop in the middle of the process to add how many cups and cans were needed.
Honestly, the less I had to think the easier it made the process.
I did realize in the middle of browning meat for the chili that my pot was not going to be big enough for all the other ingredients.
We were about to go borrow a pot from our neighbor then we remembered we had an old time roaster in the garage.
It was Perfect (with a capital P!)

I ended up not making everything on my list but we were okay with that.
I made the Taco soup tonight and so I’m done for a while.
My husband was a lifesaver. He would wash dishes while I scurried around like a chicken with her head cut off. He would also load the freezer bags after the food had cooled. He also finished cutting the onions because my eyes could do no more!

My children were a help as well.
When I needed something from the fridge from the garage – they could go “shopping”.
When I needed something from the fridge from the garage – they could go “shopping”.

Things I learned:
- I use a lot of chili powder and onions.
- I love my food processor to cut onions.
- Mascara and onions do not mix.
- Onions that have been cooled in the fridge cause less tears.
- My hubs looks good in an apron.
- Friends that invite us over for burgers after 6 hours of straight cooking are the best friends in the world.
- The day after I still longed to cook.
- My hubs and I work really well together and can’t wait to start our crazy remodel.
- I only cook when I desire.
- My hubs can cook supper without it being breakfast.
- The pizza man is going to miss us.
One of the main objects that was absolutely necessary for our Texas weather in our steamy kitchen, is our sweet friend, Fanny.
The other sweet necessity that I’m sure June Cleaver wouldn’t be caught dead in…
Don’t laugh or make fun of my uglies…
they are comfy (even with the coffee on them.)
they are comfy (even with the coffee on them.)
There are tons of blogs that can help with once a month cooking.
One of my faves that is a great resource is Life As Mom.
One of my faves that is a great resource is Life As Mom.
Blessings to you!!! You are loved!!!
This totally Works for Me!
Wow, great job! My life would be a lot easier if I would do even a little bit of freezer cooking!
I love OAMC too! We’re going to be working on a leftover turkey and making meals that go with it. I too work in my sneakers and also if you have little ones, finding their favorite movies and having them on the ready with lots of popcorn will make it easier to get thru the day (when you don’t have a sitter).
I use to do this all year long until my husband asked for different meals…and then I threw my 30 Day Gourment binder at him (just kidding~but I thought about it)…and went back to weekly grocery store runs and cooking meals every night. Sigh! I miss once a month cooking. It is hard to get started but so worth it! Way to go!!!!!
How did you fit all that food in your fridge and freezer? Sounds like you have wonderful friends! Good for you for wearing supportive shoes to protect your joints!
Seriously I really need to move into your home….you rock Lana!!! Great going Lana and honestly my shoes are your shoes are sisters!
First of all, I like you blouse. 2ndly I think you are terrific! Are you sure you grew up here in this house? You amaze me! We were talking about the old days when you and your sDad would get up and cook breakfast on Saturdays like a ritual. Seems that was his special time with you and he loved it! Keep cooking gal! Love you and all the little cooks!
I’ve never been ambitious enough to do the whole OAMC thing, but I have picked up great tips from it. I try to brown my ground beef ahead of time and put it into smaller bags, for instance. (I also use a big roasting pan, although I call it a lasagna pan, LOL!) I like to trim and cut my chicken into serving-size pieces. And I also keep measured-out portions of the dry ingredients of recipes (like corn bread) in baggies in my pantry. Just having one or two steps done ahead of time is a blessing!
BTW, it will be a great day when they invent a flash camera that doesn’t reflect its light in a mirror, LOL!
Wow! You were a busy beaver. I’ve gone as far as actually “thinking” about doing this and that’s it! LOL!
I think maybe I need a bigger kitchen. And a food processor that works, and…..well my husband does look good in an apron so I can’t say that he doesn’t. LOL!
Have a great day!
Kudos to you! I ♥ OAMC. I save so much money, time, and sanity doing it. And your planning for three days? That’s nothing. Some months I still do that. Just keep your notes about what works and what your family likes. 🙂
Thanks for the new tip on chilling onions first. I never knew that.