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I’m a firm believer in having a “Love Drawer“. (We are still working on ours. It takes a while.)
A Love Drawer is a place where people could easily access your important information i.e. copy of will, bank accounts numbers, legacy letters, life insurance policies or anything that is important to you and family.
Let’s say something should happen to you or your spouse i.e. death or bad accident? Would you know where your life insurance polices were? Could your family find them easily? Do you have a will that is updated? Do you have enough life insurance? (We started working on this one about a year ago, it takes a while.)
Yes, I believe God will take care of you even in dire circumstances. However, tragedies do happen everyday. I want my children to be cared for even when I’m gone including being raised with a strong foundation. I want the caretakers of my children not to have a burden, but to be financial secure enough to enjoy my children as their own.
Bottom line, life is too short not to be prepared!
For more info please look at Dave Ramsey’s Love Drawer. Take a look, it could save some major hardship down the road. Not to mention it’s a free resource.
I also like the thought of Legacy Letters. I wish I had a legacy letter from some of my family members that have passed away. Hence, that is what my blog is about.
Edited: Mr. Dave Ramsey changes his website time to time and some of the previous links do not work. However, if you do a search for Love Drawer on his site, it will take you to the correct link. I have no control over what happens to his site but I still love his info – it truly has changed our legacy.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
I thought for sure I knew everything about Dave Ramsey and his ideas – but I didn’t know about the Love Drawer. Great Idea!!
We have a fire safe that we put all the important papers in – we don’t lock the safe because a locked safe is worthless. No one can ever get into it when you need to and things that need to go into the safe don’t. But that’s a whole blog post lol But the idea of a fire safe is great because paper burns up fast.
Excellent post!