I have been kind of incognito for a while. Life has changed in the last year, drastically.

For one, we had a baby. Well, not me. But, our family. In other words, we are adopting again. I will share more in the future. It is amazing how this little one came to be in our lives. This makes 7 kids. I guess I should really change my blog name. HA! We are so grateful. But, that is not the summer read I am talking about, although that could be a book in itself.
But, I wanted to share about this Audible book that I have been listening to for a couple of days. I don’t know about you but I loved watching Little House on the Prairie series as a kid. Then I read the book series as a mom to my elder kids when they were younger. They are all grown up now and probably wouldn’t appreciate me reading to them anymore.
So when this free audible book popped up on my account I didn’t expect much. But, I am so glad I started listening. My husband has even enjoyed the book. Since it is older you could probably find it at your local library.
You may already know about it. But, then again, maybe not. I love to share about Good Reads. (<-Some of my other book reviews are on there.)
The book that I am writing about is called “The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder.”
It tells about the world that was happening when she wrote the series. Why “Pa” chose the wood he used to work as a carpenter, what the environment was in the rest of the world, what flowers were growing and native to the area, plus more. I love that it puts the book in perspective and allows the reader to understand. Almost like being there.
I love traveling. This book has let me wander by the creek and feel the nature around Laura as she was growing up and later into adulthood.
I cannot wait to reread the series with my younger daughters and maybe even take a trip to Kansas.
Anyway, if I was on a road trip this summer, I’d take the series along and read this. It is a school lesson all on its own.
I did not receive this book for a review or anything. But, I might get pennies if you click on the links above.
Blessings to you! You are loved!