Vision for my children.
I read a book a while ago, called The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell.
It has been in my Top Ten books of all-time favorites.
I actually heard her speak a few years ago and was so encouraged by the importance of this principle.
In one of the first chapters, she speaks of having a vision for your children less you forget why you are homeschooling or educating them at home.
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I think these would be beneficial even if you used another form of schooling. We shared some of hers plus blended in our own to match needs of our family.
These are our “targets” that we are trying to hit while our children are under our care….
- We want our children to accurately understand the Christian faith and enjoy a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus.
- We want our children to articulate with integrity the Christian faith to a lost and dying world in a way that is culturally relevant and persuasive.
- We want our children to love to learn.
- We want our children to have a marketable set of skills.
Proverbs 29:18 talks about where there is no vision the people perish. Even as Christians we can lose focus and it’s nice to be reminded of what we were supposed to be doing in the first place.
Just like a speed limit sign that reminds of us that we should be driving 35 mph instead of 55 mph (This is one of my hubby’s favorite ways of presenting this verse).
I hope this encourages someone today…
Blessings to you! You are loved!
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