Spray Paint – Gotta love it!
I have just recently fell in love with spray paint,
you would think we are having an affair. I use it for absolutely everything!
I can salvage objects, whose destiny is the land fill anyway.
Therefore, a little cheap can of spray paint is something that works for me.
I recently transformed my kitchen to Old World/French Country. The silver from Mexico just didn’t match anything in my home so guess what? It all got spray painted. To think I almost, sold this mirror at a garage sale. Now, it’s one of a kind and it matches my accessories including my new chandelier and sink fixtures.
This was a glass bowl someone gave to me from the Dollar Store. (I don’t like the look of clear glass in my house.) I never knew it had Fleur-Di-Lis on it until it was painted and I collect those. Now, it is hard to tell that is glass, plus it goes with all the Fleur-Di-Lis that is on my wall.
I have a collection of crosses in my guest room. I took some of them and spray painted them. Here is one that was silver.
Hmm….I was wanting a new color couch. (If it works I’ll let you know.)
I too am loving spray paint! I just purchased a glossy black and painted all my faux terra cotta plastic pots. I put mums in them, they all are a nice black color and match our existing black pots perfectly!
Tommorrow I am spray painting an old wood/glossy brass trim picture frame with the new black spray paint. It’s matted already just is stuck in the early 90’s deco-wise. No need to buy new…just spray paint! LOL
Nice work! I also saw a thing in some magazine about spray painting pumpkins in different shades of green. It was a pretty and unusual fall decoration.
I LOVE spray paint!! It’s my new favorite hobby! Swing by my blog and check out my DIY projects where spray paint is pretty much a given to be involved.