I’ve understood from Sunday School that Mary was basically still a child. I had my first child in my 20’s and still felt like a child until recently. I am sure she was more mature. God picked her out of all the ladies in the world for her to give a virgin birth.
I do not worship Mary but I do respect this lady. What an awesome privilege to have given birth to the King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords! It brings tears to my eyes, to think what would have happened if she would have been selfish or been resistant. Sure – you don’t have an angel visiting you everyday but how many times has the Bible spoke to our hearts and then we go ahead and do what we want anyway?
God had an awesome vision for this lady. But, you know what, He has an awesome vision for us as well. He says so…Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Even as I am typing this, my 5 kiddos all have the flu. (No, we didn’t opt for the flu shot but seriously thinking about it next year.) I have to remember His word and my life is based on it. His original plan was “the life” in the Garden of Eden, no sickness including the flu, no sin, no pain in childbirth, etc…but the fall of Adam messed that up. He then required a blood sacrifice. Eventually, it was His own son, Jesus Christ that became the ultimate sacrifice.
Hence, this is why I truly celebrate this season; The birth of a Saviour for me and my sins, hopefully if you chose to serve Him, yours too.
So, I pray that you have a very Merry Christmas!