In November, we went on a major road trip. 5 kids, 1 Grandma (mine), 1 Husband (mine also) and myself in a crowded suburban, with no leg room, looking for some adventures. My husband’s parents also went to the museum with us.
Side Note: This is a long post so grab a cup of java. 🙂

One of my most fave places, was the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky, just 7 miles from the Cincinnati airport.
Side Note: This is a long post so grab a cup of java. 🙂
One of my most fave places, was the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky, just 7 miles from the Cincinnati airport.
As soon as we arrived, it started snowing.
Yes, it was very cold and I made my kids stand out in it to get this shot. (Very mean mommy.) My husband who grew up in the cold, couldn’t understand his Southern Belle’s fascination of the weather.
Of course, I loved the pretty snow, that doesn’t really show up in this picture, so you have to take my word for it.
Isn’t this a magnificent piece of sculpture? The entire museum explains why we need a Saviour. From Creation to needing a sacrifice, total leaves you in awe.
Before we actually entered in to the museum portion, we had to take a potty break. My 2nd princess is terrified of the automatic toilets. She SCREAMED bloody murder. As any good mother would, I called for backup. Daddy ended up taking her to the potty. I am almost sure, security was called because they thought we were torturing her in the restroom. Just a little trivia, do you know how many state roadside restrooms are now automated? TOO MANY!
My Grandma and baby loved looking at all the dinosaurs. What a privilege it was for us, for her to tag along.
They were so life-like. They moved and roared as well.
All through out the museum it explained human reasoning and God’s Word.
“ABOVE ALL, the GOD of TRUTH, the CREATOR of heaven and earth, inspired the men who penned the words.”
Martin Luther holds a special place in my husband’s heart. So, this was a special display of him nailing up the 95 Thesis.
I loved reading about the canon of scripture. Ever wonder how God’s Word ever came together to be the BIBLE?
Gotta love the printing press to print the Word of God.
I just love the Names of God!
My kiddos in the Garden of Eden.
She slapped me. (Just kidding.)
True regret in the purest form.
The Flood did so much more than just get rid of everyone but Noah’s family. It made continents. I was taught Pangea in school but had no idea how it came to be.
I had no idea how the Grand Canyon was formed. Very interesting!
We love nap-times!
I mean LOVE them!
Tower of Babel Room!
It explains why there are so many different languages.
Did I mention my love for this lady? I wish we didn’t live 8 hours apart.
Do you see my Lil’ hunter?
“Mom, Can we take it home with us?” “Sorry dear, no more room.”
I thought this was adorable. She loves animals apparently of all sorts.
“Aaaaah! It’s alive!”
All tuckered out!
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for flying with us today.
We hope that you enjoyed your flight or post (whatever it may be).
We hope that you enjoyed your flight or post (whatever it may be).
we actually just went to the creation museum! loved it. so happy to find a joyful homeschool mom from hiphop homeschool today!
I just had to laugh about the automated toilets. My 4 year old is terrified of them too. She will hold her pee forever before she uses those things. I’ll have to admit, those things have flushed while I was still sitting on it and it is not a pleasant experience.
BTW…this is my first time on your blog. I have enjoyed it very much and plan to return often.
looks neat. hope i can take my family there one day!
VERY cool! I really want to go there. Have heard about it, but have never had the opportunity.
You took some really great pictures!
What a beautiful post, one of my favorites. Where do you get your wit?
Love you,