“We”(the term “we” is used loosely) have started on yet another project.
Basically, when I go out of town my sweet hubby starts tearing into the walls or as in this case, ceilings.
I couldn’t be happier, he does a wonderful job.
You would never know that he works a white collared job – he just loves using his hands.

He’s getting rid of the yucky 70’s paneling, covering the brick and putting up new Sheetrock.
Can I hear a Hallelujah?
He’s getting rid of the yucky 70’s paneling, covering the brick and putting up new Sheetrock.
Can I hear a Hallelujah?
He had a beautiful side-kick. She would hand him the tools when needed.
How often does a 4 year old know what an demolition tool looks like? (I still have no idea.) But, she knows.
How often does a 4 year old know what an demolition tool looks like? (I still have no idea.) But, she knows.
I’m thinking I will need help on choosing the right color. Ohhhh, the choices.
Drill baby drill!
I love that my hubby is teaching my sons and daughters how to do things for themselves instead of hiring out all the time.
I love that my hubby is teaching my sons and daughters how to do things for themselves instead of hiring out all the time.
There is a joy in knowing that you can do things for yourselves and not have to wait for other people and their schedules.
Not to mention high labor rates.
Of course, their is always the clean-up crew.
That is so awesome that you husband can work so well with his hands to help you out around the house!! My husband is like that too. 🙂 I love how you guys always involve your children in all the various household activities. They are so lucky!