A few summers ago, we were able to stop at:
The World’s Largest Pecan!
Seguin, Texas
Seguin, Texas
When I was younger, we would pass this pecan on our way to our families’ property in Sequin. It is precious to me to see that my children on it. Brings the Pecan to full circle.
Let us know, if you know any World’s Largest ______.
(You fill in the blank.) We are always on the search and would love to come see it!
Hi, so I am looking for a “faith statement” that would go great in my sweet girls room, for my boys room I put an armor of God Faith statement, and anywho, I stumbled upon your blog, which I love BTW!
And I happen to be born and raised in Seguin, Texas. Small
World huh, now I am living in the country side of Tokyo, Japan, since we are a military family. Anywho, thanks for sharing. I also have 5 kids, from 11 to 6 months, so your blog really caught my eye, haha, I just think it is great. Have an amazing week.
God bless!